
condition n.1.狀態,狀況,情形;品質。2.〔pl.〕外界狀況,...


Our living conditions are getting better each year . 我們的生活條件一年比一年強。

Strike conditions differ widely from shop to shop . 預鍍的條件每個車間差別很大。

Everyone wishes to ameliorate his own condition ... 改善自己境況的愿望人皆有之。

They damned one condition after another . 他們得寸進尺。

They demand one condition after another . 他們得寸進尺。

Testing in such conditions was no easy matter . 要在這樣的條件下做實驗談何容易。

You must on no condition tell them the secret . 你無論如何也不可告訴他們這秘密。

You must on no condition tell him what happened .. 你決不能把發生的事情告訴他。

I cannot picture to myself a more wretched condition . 我想象不出更悲慘的處境。

The conditions of life nurtured it . 生活的條件培育著它。

The child 's condition was improving . 孩子的病情有好轉。

Not a single one of these conditions can be dispensed with . 這些條件缺一不可。

He is not fatuously content with existing conditions . 他不會愚昧地滿于現狀的。

I never saw a man in so wretched a condition . 我從未見過有誰的境遇比他更凄慘。

Present conditions are disgraceful . 眼下的情況是丟臉的。

He sums up his mental condition . 他概括了自己的精神面貌。

You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat . 你要穿上外衣才能出去。

Three types of auxiliary conditions are of interest . 三種輔助條件是有意義的。

It could have been weather conditions . 那可能是氣候條件。