
condescension n.屈尊;恩賜[高高在上]態度。


Her ladyship , with great condescension , arose to receive them ; and as mrs . collins had settled it with her husband that the office of introduction should be her s , it was performed in a proper manner , without any of those apologies and thanks which he would have thought necessary 夫人極其謙和地站起身來迎接他們。根據柯林斯太太事先跟她丈夫商量好的辦法,當場由太太出面替賓主介紹,因此介紹得很得體,凡是柯林斯先生認為必不可少的那些道歉和感激的話,都一概免了。

And although the entertainment was fixed for twelve o clock , an hour previous to that time the balcony was filled with impatient and expectant guests , consisting of the favored part of the crew of the pharaon , and other personal friends of the bride - groom , the whole of whom had arrayed themselves in their choicest costumes , in order to do greater honor to the occasion . various rumors were afloat to the effect that the owners of the pharaon had promised to attend the nuptial feast ; but all seemed unanimous in doubting that an act of such rare and exceeding condescension could possibly be intended 但在這之前的一小時,走廊上便早已擠滿了性急的前來賀喜的客人,他們有些是法老號上同唐太斯要好的船員,有些是他的私人朋友,全都穿著最漂亮的衣服,給這個愉快的日子增光不少,大家都在紛紛議論,法老號的船主要來參加婚宴,但大家又似乎都不相信唐太斯能有這么大的面子。

The power of displaying the grandeur of his patroness to his wondering visitors , and of letting them see her civility towards himself and his wife , was exactly what he had wished for ; and that an opportunity of doing it should be given so soon was such an instance of lady catherine s condescension as he knew not how to admire enough 他本來一心要讓這些好奇的賓客們去風光一下他那女施主的堂皇氣派,看看老夫人對待他們夫婦倆多么禮貌周全。他竟會這么快就得到了如愿以償的機會,這件事大足以說明咖苔琳夫人的禮賢下士,使得他不知如何景仰是好。

Our plain manner of living , our small rooms , and few domestics , and the little we see of the world , must make hunsford extremely dull to a young lady like yourself ; but i hope you will believe us grateful for the condescension , and that we have done every thing in our power to prevent your spending your time unpleasantly . 我們生活清苦,居處局促,侍仆寥寥無幾,再加我們見識淺薄,象你這樣一位年輕小姐,一定會覺得漢斯福這地方極其枯燥乏味,不過我們對于你這次賞臉,實在感激萬分,并且竭盡綿薄,使你不至于過得興味索然,希望你能鑒諒。 ”

She went on maintaining and developing some excellent styles such as theory - connecting - practice , party - connecting - people , criticism and self - criticism , condescension and wariness , thrift and struggle , solidarity of the party . so the styles of the party and the government and the society looked brand - new , have beenning commended till now 繼續保持和發揚理論聯系實際,密切聯系群眾,批評與自我批評,謙虛謹慎,艱苦奮斗的作風,維護黨的團結統一,使黨風、政風煥然一新,開創了新中國為后世稱道的社會風氣。

“ after mentioning the likelihood of this marriage to her ladyship last night , she immediately , with her usual condescension , expressed what she felt on the occasion ; when it become apparent , that on the score of some family objections on the part of my cousin , she would never give her consent to what she termed so disgraceful a match “昨夜不佞曾與夫人提及此次聯姻可能成為事實,深蒙夫人本其平日推愛之忱,以其隱衷見告。彼謂此事千萬不能贊同,蓋以令嬡門戶低微,缺陷太多,若竟而與之聯姻實在有失體統。

He was saying the affectionate word , however , with a far more grudging condescension and patronage than lie could have shown if their relative merits and positions had been reversed which is invariably the case , all the world over , when mr . cruncher , touching him on the shoulder , hoarsely and unexpectedly interposed with the following singular question 不過,他還是說了句親熱的話,態度勉強,居高臨下,若是兩人的長處和地位顛倒過來,她可是絕不至于如此的這在全世界都一樣。這時克朗徹先生卻拍了拍他的肩膀,沙聲沙氣發出了一個出人意外的怪問題:

The subject elevated him to more than usual solemnity of manner , and with a most important aspect he protested that he had never in his life witnessed such behaviour in a person of rank - such affability and condescension , as he had himself experienced from lady catherine 這個問題一談開了頭,他本來的那種嚴肅態度便顯得更嚴肅了,他帶著非常自負的神氣說,他一輩子也沒有看到過任何有身價地位的人,能夠象咖苔琳夫人那樣的有德行,那樣的親切謙和。

For any other son to have stayed with his mother for four days at tr port , it would have been a condescension or a martyrdom , while i return , more contented , more peaceful - shall i say more poetic ! - than if i had taken queen mab or titania as my companion . 要是別的當兒子的陪他的母親到的黎港去住四天,他肯定會覺得枯燥,厭煩,但我陪了她四天,卻比陪伴瑪琵仙后民間傳說中的仙女,莎士比亞戲劇羅密歐與朱麗葉中有詳細描寫。

When they parted , lady catherine , with great condescension , wished them a good journey , and invited them to come to hunsford again next year ; and miss de bourgh exerted herself so far as to curtsey and hold out her hand to both 她們告別的時候,咖苔琳夫人屈尊降貴地祝她們一路平安,又邀請她們明年再到漢斯福來。德包爾小姐甚至還向她們行了個屈膝禮,伸出手來跟她們兩個人一一握別。

He did not then think of the carnival , for in spite of his condescension and touching kindness , one cannot incline one s self without awe before the venerable and noble old man called gregory xvi 所以那天,他沒多少心恩去想狂歡節了,因為格里高利十六雖然極其謙誠慈愛,但人一到了這位尊嚴高貴的老人面前,就會不自覺地產生一種敬畏之感。

De bal - macheve ! said the king , resolutely attacking and vanquishing the colonels difficulty . charmed to make your acquaintance , general , he added , with a gesture of royal condescension 國王說,用自己的堅決果斷克服了上校的困難, “ charm de faire votre connaissance , gnral , ”他又以王者寬厚仁慈的姿態補充道。

New moon type : the various matter all should was careful today , acting towards people to deal with affairs to all want to face with the attitude of the condescension , impatient and bad matter , should handle patiently 新月型:今天諸事皆應小心謹慎,待人處事都要以謙虛的態度來面對,性急壞事,應該耐心的處理。

This identity , confused as it has made me at times , has opened my eyes to the subtle condescension i have often let go in the remarks i have made about the people i felt were so different from me 這樣的身分,有時會讓我感到迷惑。然而,卻也讓我了解我對和自己不同的人所作的評語,常帶著許多不自覺的傲慢。

There was a certain shade of patronage and condescension in his manner to berg and vera . after boris came the colonel and his lady , then the general himself , then the rostovs , and the 一名女士和上校繼而是將軍本人然后是羅斯托夫一家人都在鮑里斯之后走來,晚會已無可置疑地同所有的晚會完全一樣。

He had a feeling that it was only out of condescension , out of a sort of civility , that this trick of directing the channel of their replies was made use of 皮埃爾更體會到了被告在所有法庭上都體驗到的莫名其妙的心情:這就是對他提出各種問題的目的。

Knowing bolkonsky to be a favourite and trusted adjutant , bagration received him with a commanding officers special graciousness and condescension 巴格拉季翁認為博爾孔斯基是個走紅的靠得住的副官,所以他像首長厚愛部下那樣接待他。

Be still , and take time and worship god in his great glory , and in that deep condescension in which he longs and offers to dwell with us and in us 要安靜在神偉大的榮耀和極深的謙卑中,敬拜他,愿意住在我們里面,與我們同住。

She is all affability and condescension , and i doubt not but you will be honoured with some portion of her notice when service is over 她為人極其謙和,絲毫沒有架子,我相信那天做完禮拜之后,你就會很榮幸地受到她的注目。