
condense vt.1.壓縮;使濃縮;聚集(光線);加強(電力)。2....


Heating boilers - part 7 : condensing boiler for liquid fuels 采暖鍋爐.液體燃料熱值鍋爐

Testing methods of refrigerant condensing units 致冷劑冷凝機組的試驗方法

Condense the common consensus on reform at new starting point 在新的起點上凝聚改革共識

Condense this paragraph into a few sentences 把這段文字簡縮成幾個句子。

Clouds condense and drench our stone walled hut 濃云密霧圍濕了石墻小屋。

Analytical methods for sweetened condensed whole milk 全脂加糖煉乳檢驗方法

Positive displacement refrigerant compressor condensing units 容積式制冷壓縮冷凝機組

Milk becomes condensed when water is taken out of it 去除其中的水分,牛奶便成煉乳。

Were it not for the dust , vapor would not condense 要是沒有灰塵,水蒸氣就無法凝結。

Milk becomes condensed when water is taken out of it 去除其中的水分,牛奶便成煉乳。

Science : physics : condensed matter : nanostructures 這個類別的其它語文版本:

Performance test code - steam - condensing apparatus 性能測試規程.蒸汽冷凝裝置

He condensed his report from 2 , 000 words to 1 , 000 他將報告從兩千字壓縮到一千字。

The more condensed version of light becomes the sound 當光集中更強時就成為音流。

This causes more and more water vapour to condense 這就使越來越多的水蒸氣凝結。

A long stroy may be condensed into a few sentences 一個長篇故事可縮寫成幾句話

Let me condense now . i am sick of the subject 讓我長話短說吧,我討厭這個話題。

I condensed the story to half its original length 我將故事濃縮到了原采的一半。

Mr. harthouse professed himself in the highest degree instructed and refreshed, by this condensed epitome of the whole coketown question . 赫德士先生表示,這種關于整個焦煤鎮問題的簡潔的總結性的發言,使他受到高度的教育,而且使他耳目一新。