
condensator n.=condenser.


Inside engine room frame # 14 # 16 portside , starboard side there is sea chest at each side , they are connected by main sea pipe , the sea water pump of main engine , auxiliary engine , general bilge pump , ballast pump , firefighting pump , condensator cooling water pump , and sea water pressure tank can suck sea water from them 機艙內# 14 # 16左、右舷設有海水閥箱各一個,用海水總管相連,可供主機、輔柴油機的海水泵、艙底總用泵、壓載泵、消防泵、冷凝機組冷卻水泵及海水壓力水柜吸水。

As to simple turbine , steam discards directly into atmosphere , or into condensator for cooling , then goes back to boiler for use 在簡單的渦輪機中,蒸汽被排入大氣,或進入冷凝器冷凝成水后流回鍋爐。

Ruian city yongguang auto parts co . , ltd mostly produce : series of condensator fan electricity , series of pick up parts . . 瑞安市永光汽車配件廠主要生產:冷凝器電子風扇系列,皮卡部件系列. .

Guide for procurement of power station equipment - part 6 - 3 : turbine auxiliaries ; condensator plant ; german version en 45510 - 6 - 3 : 1998 發電廠設備購置說明.第6 - 3部分:渦輪機輔助設備.冷凝

Position : home products series of condensator fan electricity : 1 您的位置:產品介紹冷凝器電子風扇系列: 1

Series of condensator fan electricity 冷凝器電子風扇系列: