
condensate n.濃縮物;【化學】冷凝物[液]。adj.濃縮的,冷凝的...


Analysis of natural gas genesis in buried hill condensate gas reservoirs of qianmiqiao 黃驊坳陷千米橋古潛山構造凝析油氣藏的油源研究

A study of numerical simulation of water alternating gas injection fo r condensate gas reservoirs 凝析氣藏水氣交替注入數值模擬研究

Draw down well test analysis of gas - condensate well considering the influence of adsorption 考慮吸附影響的凝析氣井壓力降落試井分析

Research on testing kinetic behaviors of anion exchange resin for condensate polishing 凝結水處理用陰離子交換樹脂動態特性試驗研究

Cigarettes - determination of nicotine in smoke condensates - gas - chromatographic method 煙卷.煙油中尼古丁含量的測定.氣相色譜法

Geochemical study on ordovician condensate pool formation of the qianmiqiao buried hill 千米橋潛山凝析氣藏數值模擬開采機理研究

Condensate return pump 冷凝回水泵

Non - normal alkane gc - ms analysis of condensate and its application in petroleum geology 流體包裹體在油氣地質地球化學中的應用

Influence of initial quantum coherence on quantum entanglement in bose - einstein condensates 愛因斯坦凝聚系統中量子糾纏的影響

Condensate return tank 凝結水回收箱

Cigarettes . determination of alkaloids in smoke condensates . spectrometric method 卷煙.煙霧凝聚物中生物堿的測定.光譜測定法

Hot condensate capacity 熱凝結水排量

Primary analysis on characteristics of subcritical units condensate polishing system 亞臨界機組凝結水精處理系統的特點淺析

Cold condensate capacity 冷凝結水排量

Cigarettes - determination of nicotine in smoke condensates - gas - chromatographic method 卷煙總粒相物中煙堿的測定氣相色普法

Condensate spill over pipe 冷凝水溢流管

Hai yan psr won 2x1 , 000mw condensate polisher system in ning hai power plant 力源贏得寧海電廠2 1000mw凝結水精處理項目

Cigarettes - determination of water in smoke condensates - gas - chromatographic method 卷煙總粒相物中水分的測定氣相色普法

Bose - einstein condensate 玻色-愛因斯坦凝聚態