
condensable adj.可凝結的;可壓縮的;可縮短的。


The following are the large projects undertaking by haifeng company : crude oil electricity plant project of north china oil field hydroelectricity factory , apartment ( 22 stories ) of yuanda real estate company of dalian shipping group , helios hotel of helios group in dalian development zone , tilt aqueduct bridge of shanxi hongqi reservoir ( total span : 267m ) , supply and sale building and city construction building ( both are antique architectures ) of shanxi heyang city , sea drainage pipe of hainan fudao fertilizer factory ( 1520 ) , 8 oilgas docks of hainan haiyan oilgas company , basha condensable gas transfer station of haiyan company , 10 , 000m3 oilgas storage tank of arco company ( usa ) in hainan nanshan , gas pipe and fuel gas installation project of hainan nanshan electricity co . , ltd , base and accessory project of hainan gas company , bei da huang cereal and oil market in harerbin , hainan cross island pipe , changhuajiang river pipe crossing project , taihangshan mountain earthwork project ( the 19th section of west - to - east gas transmission project ) 海南海峰公司承建大的工程項目:華北油田水電廠原油發電站工程;大連船泊集團遠達地產公司的遠達公寓( 22層) ;大連開發區香港太陽神集團的太陽神大酒店;陜西紅旗水庫斜拉渡槽工程(全跨267m ) ;陜西合陽供銷大樓及城建大樓(均為仿古) ;海南富島化肥廠排海管線( 1520 ) ;海南海燕油氣公司八所油氣碼頭;海燕公司白沙液化氣中轉站;海南南山美國阿科公司儲油氣萬立米大罐工程;海南南山電力股份有限公司天然氣管線及燃氣安裝工程;海南南海天然氣有限公司基地及配套工程;哈爾濱北大荒糧油批發市場;海南環島管線;昌化江穿越工程;西氣東輸十九標段,太行山土石方工程。

When “ holding ” ( during normal operation ) , non condensable , which are coming from air ingress and oxygen content in steam and condensate , must also be extracted normally by main ejectors 當“建立真空” (正常操作下)時,空氣入口處的不可凝結物和蒸汽中的氧含量以及凝結水必須由主抽汽器排出。

The series h ? 2h ? h3 rotary piston vacuum pump is a sort of vacuum pro - duction equipment suitable for pumping ordinary gase and condensable gases ( when a gas ballast used ) H3型系列滑閥式機械真空泵是抽除一般性氣體或含有少量可凝性氣體(此時應使用氣鎮)的真空獲得設備之一。

Analyses the source of non - condensable gas and its bad impact on lithium bromide absorption chillers . presents the management methods of air tightness and vacuum degree 摘要分析了機組不凝性氣體的來源,并闡述其對機組的不利影響。介紹了機組氣密性管理和真空度管理的方法。

The non - condensable gases accumulate near the top of the secondary condensing bundles and are drawn into the air take - off manifolds running along the top of these secondary bundles 不可冷凝的氣體在二次冷凝管束頂部附近匯集,被吸入二次冷凝管束頂部布置的空氣集管內。

These manifolds are connected to the vacuum system through air take - off lines in order to remove the non - condensable gases from the condenser 這些集管通過空氣管線與抽真空系統相連,以便從空冷凝汽器內抽走不可冷凝的氣體。

Test method for total mass loss and collected volatile condensable materials from outgassing in a vacuum environment 在真空環境中除氣作用引起的總物質損失及收集到的揮發性可凝聚物的試驗方法

Non - condensable gas 不可凝氣體

Research on condensation heat transfer with presence of non - condensable gases 具有不凝結氣體存在的凝結換熱研究

Condensable process gasoline 天然氣中可冷凝的汽油