
condemnatory adj.處罰的,宣告有罪的;譴責的。


This dissertation takes feuerbachs meticulous logical structure as masterstroke , explains his whole deduction process , which from the conception of civil penalty to the theory of psychological coercion , again from law deterrence to the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime . and it also states that , feuerbach takes the external behavior for condemnatory object , obviates the intervention of sentiment , abandons moral punishment or moral principles , moreover , excludes judiciary arbitrariness by means of law restriction , besides , emphasizes law deterrence and creates the theory of psychological coercion , and as a result establishes the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime 本文以費爾巴哈嚴謹縝密的邏輯結構為主線,梳理了其從市民刑罰概念的構筑到心理強制說的提出、再到確定刑罰法規中法律威懾思想的確立直至罪刑法定主義原則的整個推論過程,闡釋了費爾巴哈把客觀的、外部的行為作為處罰的對象,排除情操的介入,把法律置于可罰性的絕對根據之中,擯棄道德性刑罰或道德性原理,通過把法官約束在法律之中的方式排斥了法官的恣意專斷,又強調法律的威懾,創立心理強制說,從而確立了罪刑法定主義的刑法思想。

The principal part that violates action of public security government is to point to carried out disobey action of public security government , according to “ public security management punishs byelaw “ regulation , ought to be managed condemnatory person by public security 違反治安治理行為的主體是指實施了違反治安治理行為,依照《治安治理處罰條例》的規定,應當受到治安治理處罰的人。

Owner and the contract that property is a kind of equality between administrative company concern , property management company cannot override on owner to create condemnatory advantageous position 業主與物業治理公司之間是一種平等的合同關系,物業治理公司不能凌駕于業主之上設立處罰權。

Punishment counterpoises , can by executive authority or judiciary or other the organization that has condemnatory right is in its are legal the exercise inside limits of one ' s functions and powers 處罰權,只能由行政機關或司法機關或其他有處罰權的組織在其法定職權范圍內行使。

These administrative and condemnatory measures and propaganda brought great pressure and deterring the marine environment violation and illegal activities 通過這些行政處罰措施的執行和宣傳,形成了巨大的輿論壓力,威懾了海洋環境違法違規行為。

I have not yet said anything condemnatory of mr . rochester s project of marrying for interest and connections 對羅切斯特先生從個人利益和親屬關系考慮的婚姻計劃,我至今沒有任何微詞。

Public security management does not have such regulation on condemnatory byelaw , can not detain 治安治理處罰條例上沒有這樣的規定,不可以拘留的

Issued sluggish signs up for custom golden receipt also is not condemnatory advice note 海關出具的滯報金收據也不是處罰通知書。