
condemn vt.1.定(某人)罪,判(某人)罪,宣告(死刑等)。2...


And, good heaven, man, you are a condemned rebel, and a deserter, and a man of the french king's . 哎,老天爺,你是一個被宣判死刑的叛黨,一個逃兵,一個法蘭西國王的人。

The report condemned “the conception, the philosophy and the nomenclature of “surplus disposal.“ “ 小組報告對“‘處理剩余農產品’這樣的概念、理論和用語”提出了非難。

It's pathetic that human beings should be condemned to spend the greater part of their lives amid such surroundings . 悲慘的是,人的大半輩子竟被禁錮在這種環境里。

Found guilty of heresy and “corruption of the young,“ he was condemned to drink a cup of hemlock . 法庭宣告他犯有傳播異端邪說和“腐蝕青年”罪,判處他喝一杯毒汁。

The virtuous reader may condemn her for showing too great regard to a base-born infant . 那些重視風紀道德的讀者,說不定會怪她過分抬舉了一個出身下賤的嬰兒。

Usury is condemned as payment for the use of money which has no use value . 高利貸是受到遺責的,因為那是對使用貨幣的支付,而貨幣本身是沒有使用價值的。

Why was i always suffering, always browbeaten, always accused, for ever condemned ? 我為什么老受折磨,老受欺侮,老挨罵,一輩子也翻不了身呢?

Every day, through the stony streets the tumbrils jolted heavily, filled with condemned . 每天,塞滿了罪犯的囚車沉重顛簸地走過石砌街道。

He can not find it in himself to condemn a mother who stole bread for a hungry child . 他不忍心判決一個由于孩子挨餓而偷面包的母親有罪。

There was an american didacticism that went beyond condemning slavery or intemperance . 美國有一種說教,不只譴責奴隸制度和酗酒放縱。

Obviously we had to condemn the indian resort to force in unequivocal language . 顯然,我們應當用明確的詞句譴責印度訴諸武力的行為。

You are simply making trouble and condemning yourself in other people's eyes . 在別人看起來,你只不過是自討苦吃,自己判自己有罪。

The neo-humanists condemned the naturalist's distain of graceful style and form . 新人道主義譴責自然主義者輕視優美的體裁和形式。

You created a legend about three men who had been condemned to death for treachery . 你造了一個關于三個因叛國而處死的人的神話。

She would be saved from burning only to be condemned to perpetual imprisonment . 她被免于火刑后得到的只是終生監禁的判決。

Constantia he could condemn for revealing to much to his manly sight . 他可以譴責康斯坦婭把他的男子漢觀點揭露得太過分了。

He pointed out that, at least pen must be heard before he was condemned . 他指出,至少應先聽聽小潘怎么說,再定他的罪。

I can not find it in myself to condemn a mother who steals for a hungry child . 我不忍心責備為饑餓行竊的女人。

Then you condemn me to live wretched and to die accursed ? 那么你就是判定我活著受罪,死后要受詛咒了?