
concussive adj.震蕩的,有激動[沖擊]力的,震動性的。


Various energies stemming from the realms of technology and the arcane are used to charge these mods , ranging from poison to cold to fire to concussive ( or physical ) damage types 來自己技術或者魔法領域的多種能源填充物可能對這些插件進行裝載,可以是進行冷凍的毒氣到進行震蕩(或者物理性)傷害的火元素。

Various energies stemming from the realms of technology and the arcane are used to charge these mods , ranging from poison to cold to fire to concussive ( or physical ) damage types 各種不同的能源從技術的王國和神秘者阻止用來控訴這些信息存儲器,從毒藥到點燃到給與沖擊的(或實際的)損害類型。

What you see , when you look at it more realistically , is that the hunter fired concussive shot at the tauren and sent his pet in to try to give himself a head start in running away 當你用更實際的眼光觀看,你會發現獵人用震蕩射擊攻擊牛頭人,并讓他的寵物去攻擊,這樣可以使他有機會逃跑。

Leading to more moves such as concussive shots , more wing clipping , or pure dmg dealing from ranged attacks 然后使用更多的技能比如震蕩射擊,翅夾,可觀的遠程傷害。

= “ lara : something else . . . a wave of concussive force of some kind . 轉換成了別的東西… …一種具有猛烈沖擊力的波。

Especially if you can afford it after a successful concussive shot stun 特別是你在震蕩射擊成功擊暈對手后使用。

Concussive blow now also deals 50 % weapon damage 震蕩猛擊亦會造成50 %的武器傷害