
concussion n.1.震動,沖擊,撞擊,沖激。2.【醫學】(腦)震蕩。...

concussion fuse

The center is a major researcher on the effects and treatments of concussion 此中心主要研究腦震蕩的影響和治療。

You had a concussion , honey 你受了撞擊,親愛的

People who have concussions often have trouble thinking or remembering 腦震蕩患者一般在思考和記憶上都有困難。

Well , you recognized the concussion and there ' s no going back now 你已經經過了腦震蕩的驗證沒有辦法可以回頭了

Don ' t be afraid . we ' ve all had accidental concussions just like you 別害怕,我們都像你一樣經歷過意外的腦震蕩

They say concussions also may take longer to heal among young people 他們還說,年輕人腦震蕩的恢復時間更長。

Rctrospectiv study on the concussion sequelas and correlative factors 腦震蕩后腦功能障礙與相關因素回顧性研究

People who have concussions often have trouble thinking or remembering 患有腦震蕩的人時常有思考與記憶障礙。

People who have concussions often have trouble thinking or remembering 患腦震蕩的人通常存在思考和記憶障礙。

People who have concussions often have trouble thinking or remembering 腦震蕩患者會有思考和記憶方面的障礙。

I ' l i catch up with ya . i t ' s probably just a mild concussion . . 我會追上你們的這也許只是一點輕微的腦震蕩

I ' l i catch up with ya . i t ' s probably just a mild concussion 我會追上你們的這也許只是一點輕微的腦震蕩

A concussion is a terrible thing 腦震蕩是件很糟糕的事

The patient is suffering from severe concussion following a blow to the head 患者頭部受擊患嚴重腦震蕩

As you grow to embrace your concussion , 在你腦震蕩之后

People who have concussions often have trouble thinking or remembering 腦震蕩患者有思考或者記憶的障礙。

Mechanisms and prevention of concussion of brain caused by fall training 倒功訓練致腦震蕩傷發生機制分析

Has a concussion , but fortunately , 有點腦震蕩,幸運的是

Concussion can also make a person feel very tired or angry 腦震蕩也會讓人感覺非常疲憊,或者情緒易怒。