
concuss vt.1.猛烈撞擊(使成腦震蕩);使震動,使震傷。2.〔...


New york - e - mail is crippled , concussed by an irrepressible spam stream . web surfing can be equally confounding , a wobbly wade through bursts of pop - ups and loudmouthed video ads 電子郵件是殘廢的,因為有持續不斷的垃圾郵件沖擊。網頁瀏覽同樣讓人討厭,因為你必須面對不斷彈出的新窗口和吵吵嚷嚷的視頻廣告。

Hope your natural and unrestrained 倜 party , the breadth of view is great . frustrated life , the years has no 痕 . the sincere 坦 concuss . expecting to acquaint with you be - good luck ! ! 希望你瀟灑倜黨,胸懷博大.坎坷人生,歲月無痕.誠摯坦蕩.期望與你相識是- - - -緣! !

Ben , i ' m concussed 本,我腦震蕩呢

I don ' t suppose i ' d have much of an appetite if i was actually concussed 我以為在摔跤之后我會食欲不振

Measuring technique flap to concuss a method 測量方法:胸阻抗法

Flap to concuss a method measurement parameter 測量方法:胸阻抗法

He was badly concussed in the collision 在猛烈碰撞時他的腦部受到嚴重損傷

Hope your elephant teacher , the honest concusses 希望你象老師,誠實坦蕩!