
concurrent adj.1.同時發生的,并發的,并存的,共存的;合作的。...


This simplifies the development of many concurrent algorithms 這樣就簡化了許多并發算法的開發。

The following shows to disable concurrent garbage collection 下面演示了如何禁用并發垃圾回收。

Threads enable your c program to perform concurrent processing 線程使c #程序能夠執行并發處理。

Karma and moral belief - concurrent remark on religion as moral assurance 兼評宗教作為道德的保證

System index trade - off methodology in concurrent design 并行設計中系統級指標權衡分析的方法研究

Research on life cycle model of distributed concurrent software 分布式并發軟件生命周期模型研究

Safety and fairness in java multithreading concurrent system 多線程并發系統中的安全性與公平性

The development of fpso and concurrent engineering 開發與并行工程

Executing concurrent backup and restore in a single database 在單個數據庫中執行并發備份和還原

A concurrent object oriented model based on mpi 的并發面向對象模型

Supports up to 64 concurrent conferences 高集成度的一體化解決方案

We recommend that you do not run concurrent marked transactions 建議不要運行并發標記事務。

The research and application of concurrent multi - search engine 并發多元搜索引擎的研究與應用

Nrcct non - randomized concurrent controlled trial 非隨機同期對照試驗

Concurrent algorithms based on cas are called 基于cas的并發算法稱為

Vrml - based remote concurrent design tool approach 的異地并行設計技術

Concurrent jurisdiction is not uncommon in criminal law 并行司法管轄權在刑事法并不罕見。

How to : disable concurrent garbage collection >如何:禁用并發垃圾回收

Simulation of product concurrent development process based on dsm 的產品并行開發過程仿真