
concurrence n.1.同時發生,并發。2.同意,一致;合作,聯合。3....


When the president of the united states is tried , the chief justice shall preside : and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the members present 如受審者為合眾國總統,則應由最高法院首席大法官擔任主席;在末得出席的參議員的三分之二的同意時,任何人不得被判有罪。

In this paper , study the thermal entanglement of a two - qubit xyz heisenberg model , and show the influences for the concurrence of this system in terms of the parameters of the hamiltonian and t 摘要研究兩粒子的xyz海森伯模型的熱糾纏態,并討論了這個系統哈密頓量中的參數和溫度對糾纏度的影響。

Article 12 three - fifths of the review committee members must be present to conduct a meeting , and the concurrence of more than half of those present is required to pass a resolution 第12條(開議及決議人數)審議委員會應有五分之三以上委員出席,始得開議,以出席委員過半數之同意,始得決議。

This implementation allows threads within different processes to be scheduled according to a single scheme of relative prioritizing . this is suited for exploiting the concurrence of multiprocessors 核心級線程如許不同進程里的線程按照同一相對優先方法調度,這適合于發揮多處理器的并發優點。

It also make a research for embedded computing models and argues that it is important for development of embedded software with property of real - time and concurrence 接著討論了研究嵌入式計算模型的重要性和模型實現方法并給出了一些實例模型,及當前嵌入式應用開發中幾種主要的軟件技術。

When the president of the united states is tried , the chief justice shall preside : and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two - thirds of the members present 合眾國總統受審時,最高法院首席大法官主持審判。無論何人,非經出席參議員三分之二的同意,不得被定罪。

This at least of flame - like our life has , that it is but the concurrence , renewed from moment to moment , of forces parting sooner or later on their ways 在這一點上,我們的生命就好象火焰-它也是種種力量綜合的結果,這種綜合雖不斷更新和繼續著,那些力量卻早晚要各自飄散。

This at least of flame ? ? like our life has , that it is but the concurrence , renewed from moment to moment , of forces parting sooner or later on their ways 在這一點上,我們的生命有些像那火焰? ?它也是種種力量匯合的結果,這匯合雖不斷延續,那些力量卻早晚要各自飄散。

Each house may determine the rules of its proceedings , punish its members for disorderly behavior , and , with the concurrence of two - thirds , expel a member 參眾兩院得各自規定本院的議事規則,處罰本院擾亂秩序的議員,并且得以三分之二的同意,開除本院的議員。

We remain concerned about gaps and loopholes in chinese export controls , as well as by exports by entities with and without government concurrence 我們仍然關注中國在出口管制方面的差距和漏洞,同時也關注中國一些實體無論在是否得到政府贊同的情況下的出口。

The analytic expression of the system ' s concurrence is obtained , which decreases with the increase of temperature and reaches its maximal value 1 while t 0 得出了concurrence的解析表達式,它隨著溫度的升高而減小,當t 0時取得最大值1 ,最大糾纏態為基態。

The server uses multi - level cache technology and has high stability and concurrence . e - sibucongkan ' s browser provides powerful displaying function and auxiliary research tools 文中設計的四部叢刊電子版瀏覽器提供了強大的瀏覽顯示功能和輔助研究的工具。

Bilingual concurrence refers to concurrence of the headwords and verbal illustrations in the source text with their equivalents or translations in the same text 雙語共現是指雙語詞典的源語詞目、例證與目的語對應詞和例證譯文同時出現在同一個文本平面上。

Surplus income shall be carried forward for allocation in subsequent year ( s ) unless the trustees in concurrence with the executive committee decide to add it to capital (丁)所有盈馀將撥入下年度,除非托管人與執行委員會決定把盈馀撥入基金之資金額內。

Iv surplus income shall be carried forward for allocation in subsequent year unless the trustees in concurrence with the executive committee decide to add it to capital (丁)所有盈馀將撥入下年度,除非托管人與執行委員會決定把盈馀撥入基金之資金額內。

Tencent does not , by its reference above or distribution , imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such opinions , estimates , forecasts , or recommendations 騰訊公司不對上述分析師做出的分析評估預測和推薦給與任何指導,暗示或提供任何參考意見。

The sfc and the parties involved in the investigation have come to a settlement in relation to the prosecution and disciplinary action , with the concurrence of the hkma 在金管局的同意下,證監會與調查個案中的各方已就檢控及紀律處分行動達成和解。

Each house may determine the rules of its proceedings , punish its members for disorderly behavior , and , with the concurrence of two - thirds , expel a member . 3 每院得規定本院議事規則,懲罰本院議員擾亂秩序的行為,并經三之二議員的同意開除議員。

To our knowledge , there is no other report of such a concurrence , neither at the same site nor at different locations , involving these two lesions in the oral mucosa 據我們的了解,文獻中并無此兩種囊腫同時發生于相同或不同部位口腔黏膜之病例。