
concur vi.(-rr-)1.同時發生,并發;合作,共同作用 (...


Another participant concurred , adding that this might help steer political parties towards policy formulation rather than mere opposition 有嘉賓表示同意,并補充這建議將有利于引導政黨多做政策制訂工作,而不純然作為反對派。

The cayce readings and modern science concur that constructive thoughts and emotions release healing hormones into the body and mind 凱西解讀和現代科學都認為,建設性的思想和情感將治療性的激素釋放至身體和頭腦中。

The shape representation algorithm concurs with our instinctive perceptual system , and is suitable for constructing the detection algorithm 上述形狀描述算法符合人類的視覺感知系統,有利于構建目標檢測算法。

But a concurring opinion contained the remark that the government should show the “ necessity ” of forcing reporters to testify 但是,同時也有觀點包含了以下意見:政府在強迫記者作證時需證明“必要性” 。

The magpies agreed a fee for duff on friday , and the former blackburn player has also concurred on a contract with the club 在周五喜鵲同意為達夫開價,而且這個前布萊克本的球員也同意了在俱樂部的合同。

You will be ready to concur with me that if creativity is put to good use , stamps could also make magic 大家不妨回頭一望身旁這幅巨型郵票拼圖,它是最能展現郵票通過創意所能發揮的另類魅力。

Other members may present concurring opinions or dissenting opinions , which shall be released along with the resolution 各委員對該決議得提出協同意見書或不同意見書,并同會議決議一并公布之。

Dr sushila chang , director of the school of life sciences and chemical technology at singapore s ngee ann polytechnic concurs 工藝學校,生活科學的學校和化學技術科主任dr . sushila chang

To which cold douche , referring to downfall and so on , the keeper concurred but nevertheless held to his main view 老板被潑了一盆冷水,在崩潰等等問題上讓了步,但依然堅持他的基本見解。

A caseworker considering your application will only concur with your score where appropriate evidence has been supplied 工作人員只會考慮已經提供適當證明的申請。

“ too much is written by the men who can t write about the men who do write , “ martin concurred “是些不知道怎樣評論作品的人寫的,這種人太多了, ”馬丁表示贊成。

Respondents generally concurred that production is the corporate function most likely to be relocated 被調查者普遍認為生產能力是最有可能重新布局的公司職能。

Still , the studies have all concurred : the achievement gaps remain , perplexing and persistent 仍然,研究在同時進行:獲得成功的窗口依然敞開,復雜的和持久的。

Specifically , she needs to know if she should concur with the omb recommendation or go against it 尤其副署長需要知道她應該贊成或是反對管理與預算局的建議。

Also , most of the comments received concur that our land and water resources should be better utilized 大部份市民認同我們應更充分利用水及土地資源。

She has expressed her opposition to the plan , and i fully concur ( with her ) ( in this matter ) 她對計劃表示反對, (在這一問題上)我完全同意(她的意見)

If a judge does not agree with the majority , the judge may “ concur “ in the result 如果有位法官不同意多數,他的判決在決議中也會“贊同”判決結果。

A study of the order of other - indicating pronouns and attributives of other types that concur 旁指代詞與其他類型定語共現時的有序性考察

Yes , to be sure , mr bloom unaffectedly concurred . of course “是啊,當然嘍, ”布盧姆先生直率地表示贊同, “可不是嘛。