
concupiscence n.1.性欲。2.【宗教】貪欲,世俗欲念。


Yes , pious had told him of that land and chaste had pointed him to the way but the reason was that in the way he fell in with a certain whore of an eyepleasing exterior whose name , she said , is bird - in - the - hand and she beguiled him wrongways from the true path by her flatteries that she said to him as , ho , you pretty man , turn aside hither and i will show you a brave place , and she lay at him so flatteringly that she had him in her grot which is named two - in - the - bush or , by some learned , carnal concupiscence “虔誠”告彼以該國之事, “節操”指示彼以通往該國之路。但途中,彼遇一形貌艷麗之妓,自稱“一鳥在手” ,曰: “呔,汝美男子,跟吾來,帶汝赴一極佳之所。 ”一片甜言蜜語,將彼從正路誘人歧途!

Of a bodily and mental male organism specially adapted for the superincumbent posture of energetic human copulation and energetic piston and cylinder movement necessary for the complete satisfaction of a constant but not acute concupiscence resident in a bodily and mental female organism , passive but not obtuse 那肉體的精神的男性器官特別適合于在精力充沛地交媾時自上而下精力充沛地進行活塞在氣缸中的那種往復運動。而為了使那肉體的精神的被動而并不遲鈍的女性器官所具備的持久而不劇烈的情欲充分得到滿足,這是不可或缺的。

Because he had observed with augmenting frequency in the preceding members of the same series the same concupiscence , inflammably transmitted first with alarm , then with understanding , then with desire , finally with fatigue , with alternating symptoms of epicene comprehension and apprehension 因為他曾愈益頻繁地目擊到,上述那一連串先行者曾沉浸于同一淫蕩之情,將越來越旺的欲火延燒過去,先伴隨著不安,繼而有了默契,春心大動,最后帶來了疲勞,交替顯示出相互理解與驚恐的征兆。

[ kjv ] but sin , taking occasion by the commandment , wrought in me all manner of concupiscence . for without the law sin was dead 但罪趁著機會,借著誡命在我里面發動各樣的貪心,因為沒有律法,罪是死的。

But sin , taking occasion by the commandment , wrought in me all manner of concupiscence . for without the law sin was dead 8然而罪趁著機會,就藉著誡命叫諸般的貪心在我里頭發動。因為沒有律法罪是死的。