
concubine n.妾;姘婦。


Wives , concubines , daughters and nieces were indiscriminately thrown into the battle for land 不論妻、妾、千金,還是侄女、外甥女,統統都被地主當作了為爭奪土地而戰的武器。

After he left hebron , david took more concubines and wives in jerusalem , and more sons and daughters were born to him 13大衛離開希伯侖之后,在耶路撒冷又立后妃,又生兒女。

And he had seven hundred princess wives and three hundred concubines , and his wives turned his heart away 3所羅門有妃七百,都是公主,還有嬪三百;這些妃嬪使他的心偏離了。

The king set out , with his entire household following him ; but he left ten concubines to take care of the palace 16于是王帶著全家的人出去了、但留下十個妃嬪、看守宮殿。

The sons of manasseh : asriel , whom his syrian concubine bore ; she bore machir the father of gilead 14瑪拿西的兒子亞斯列,是他的妾亞蘭人所生的;她又生了基列的父親瑪吉。

So the king went forth , and all his house after him . but the king left ten concubines to keep the house 16于是王出去了,他的全家都跟隨他;王只留下十個妃嬪看守宮殿。

He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines , and his wives led him astray 3所羅門有妃七百、都是公主還有嬪三百這些妃嬪誘惑他的心。

Sun wu organized the young ladies into two teams and appointed two of the king ' s favorite concubines team leaders 孫武將宮女分為兩隊,叫吳王的兩個寵姬擔任隊長。

These were all the sons of david , beside the sons of the concubines , and tamar their sister 代上3 : 9這都是大衛的兒子、還有他們的妹子他瑪、妃嬪的兒子不在其內。

All these were the sons of david , besides his sons by his concubines . and tamar was their sister 9這都是大衛的兒子,還有他們的妹子他瑪,妃嬪的兒子不在其內。

It was the pleasure resort for tang emperor , xuan zong , and his favourite concubine , yang yuhuan :位于西安市東27公里處,是當年唐玄宗與楊貴妃游樂休憩之所。

Yes , concubines , women who massage the egos of men , and who stand as trophies of male successes 沒錯,妾,就是那些讓男人自我膨脹、用來標志他們地成功地女人。

These were all the sons of david , beside the sons of the concubines , and tamar their sister 9這都是大衛的兒子,還有他們的妹子她瑪,妃嬪的兒子不在其內。

The daughters saw her , and they called her blessed ; the queens and the concubines , they also praised her 眾女子見了就稱她有福;王后妃嬪見了也贊美她。

All were sons of david , besides the sons of the concubines ; and tamar was their sister 9這些都是大衛的兒子,妃嬪的兒子不在其內;還有他們的姊妹他瑪。

And it was told david what rizpah the daughter of aiah , the concubine of saul , had done 11有人將掃羅的妃嬪愛雅女兒利斯巴所行的這事告訴大衛。

The daughters saw her , and blessed her ; yea , the queens and the concubines , and they praised her 眾女子見了就稱他有福;王后妃嬪見了也贊美他。

Mr . wu hsing - kuo showed mr . kenneth tsang right the set exhibition of the hidden concubine 吳興國先生為曾江先生介紹金烏藏嬌里仿宋的場景。

According to the bible , among his wives he had seven hundred princesses , as well as three hundred concubines 圣經記載,他有妃七百,嬪三百。