
concubinage n.1.非法同居。2.蓄妾,妾的地位。


In abolishing serfdom , the chinese did not entirely do away with the power of the landlord to conscript labor , to jail debtors and to control the life and even death of his tenants ; it did not completely abolish child slavery , the custom of buying and selling girls nor the system of concubinage or forced marriage 中國廢除農奴制的時候,并沒有廢除地主攤派勞役、監禁債戶以及決定佃農生死的種種權力,也沒有完全廢除蓄奴、買賣少女、納妾、包辦婚姻等等陋俗。

Both sides is in new 1994 “ marriage registers regulation “ the asymmetry that after carrying out , was not registered and lives jointly is factual marriage , regard concubinage as 雙方在1994年新《婚姻登記治理條例》實施之后未登記而共同生活的不稱為事實婚姻,視為非法同居。

A child of a union of concubinage 夫妻關系中的子女