
concretize vt.,vi.(使)具體化;(使)凝固。 concret...


If the scientific nature , public nature and just programmer of performance assessment could n ' t be concretized , which shall lead personnel transference and promotion , the post appointment and remove of party and politics departments and special hierarchy of social human resource to have not institutions to be followed , even if have institutions be hard to be abided as well as 考核一直是我國黨政機關公共管理中的改革難點和癥結。績效考核的科學性、公開性和公正的程序設計如果不能具體化,將使黨政部門人事升遷、職務任免和社會人力資源的專業等級制度無章可循,甚至有章也難循

The thesis aims at concretizing the design project , studying and solving the mechanical problems . to reach the aims , an indoor 5m model and an outdoor 50m model are designed respectively by the author which lay solid foundation for fast . lt mechanism is divided into three main parts : cable drivers , structure on the top of cable tower and the cabin 課題源于中科院知識創新工程與國家自然科學基金項目“大射電望遠鏡饋源支撐與指向跟蹤系統仿真與實驗研究” ,基于上述背景,本文的目的在于:將懸索饋源支撐概念具體化;分析并解決項目工程實施中可能遇到的機械技術方面的關鍵問題;完成5m 、 50m縮比模型的設計;支持項目的實驗仿真;為500m工程的實施奠定基礎。

The view on education value is a basic opinion of education value and its relations ; and it concretizes our views on value in the filed of education , in addition , it is an indispensable content of educational conception and recognition , and it is the core to guide , dominate and evaluate all the educational activities 教育價值觀是對教育價值及教育價值關系的根本看法,是人類價值觀在教育方面的具體化,是人們對教育感知、認識的重要內容,是指導、支配和評價教育行為和功效的核心觀念。

Base on the results , the study presents some suggestions that includes determining writing instructional points , revising writing learning stage goals , concretizing writing instructional suggestions , making writing instructional guide books , enhancing teachers ' writing instruction professional abilities , encouraging more scientific writing studies , and providing writing opportunities in every learning areas 根據研究結果,本研究提出確立作文教學的內容重點、作文分段目標宜再修正、作文教學實施的建議宜更具體、納入作文的知識和方法、編寫作文教學參考指引、提升教師作文教學專業知能、加強作文及其教學的科學性研究、利用跨領域學習提供寫作機會等建議。

The first stage ( 1978 ~ 1992 ) concretized as emphasizing agriculture and omitting stock raising ; the second stage was “ full - scale development “ ( 1993 - 2001 ) which all the agriculture , stock raising and fishery achieved rapid development accompanied by gradual establishment of market economy 第一階段為“重農輕牧”階段( 1978 - 1992年) ,具體表現為:重視農業的發展,而忽視牧業的發展,第二階段為“全面發展”階段( 1993 - 2001年) 。

Phenomenology as a philosophical movement set out to examine the meaning of our existence from the immediate encountering of our body with the objective world . architecture , on the other hand , is the medium of discourse that allows this encountering to concretize 現象學作為一種哲學思潮,探究人們藉身體即臨外在世界的存在意義,而建筑學則提供了解讀的媒介,讓這種即臨的活動得以具體進行。

The author began to think about these questions quite long ago . during my work , the questions in thought have gradually concretized and specified with a concentration on china ' s stock market , and formed my own opinions of some concrete questions 筆者很久就開始思考這些問題,在進一步學習過程當中所思考的問題又逐漸具體化,即集中于中國的股票市場,對其中一些具體問題形成了自己的看法。

If the fundamental rights on social security are not concretized , or are not concretized completely , or are concretized illegally , and they are infringed , they should be relieved by constitutional lawsuit 如果社會保障基本權未能被立法權、行政權具體化,或者具體化地不充分,或者具體化行為違憲,一旦該權利受到侵害,那么,就可通過憲法訴訟予以救濟。

By adopting the technology of function imaging , the domains of brain function can be concretized into more specific areas in terms of the specific language and the areas in brain activated by linguistic tasks 運用功能成像技術,可以根據具體語言及其完成任務時所激活的腦區將腦功能區域劃分得更為具體。

The operating procedures and standards and scientific precautionary systems must be concretized and perfect to fix up electric eyes for business supervision 防范措施首先是采取加強對會計師們的有規則的訓練,然后強化內部標準,規則和管理方法及改革制度的建立。

The operating procedures and standards and scientific precautionary systems must be concretized and perfect to fix up electric eyes for business supervision 操作程序和標準以及科學的防范體系必須具體化,妥善解決電力眼睛的行業監督。

Aspect extensibility enables the deployment of library aspects that can later be concretized for a particular application :方面的擴展性支持庫方面的部署,這樣可以在日后為特定程序而將這些庫方面具體化。

The theory of individualized moral education extends and concretizes the theory of individualized education 個性化道德教育理論是對個性化教育理論的延伸和具體化。

Strengthening measures of management to concretize positive effects of student party construction 強化梯隊層次管理增強大學生黨建實效

Fashion a fruitful flexibility fashion a fruitful flexibility versus a concretized personality 第八,要有彈性而非定型的個性。

Concretize the promotion business of popular and equal art education 落實普及均富之藝術教育推廣業務。

Sub - aspects that extend these must concretize the pointcuts 擴展抽象方面的子方面必須具體化切入點。