
concretion n.1.凝結,固結;具體化。2.固結物;連生體;【醫學】...


Second , the paper in - depth discuss the reinforce foundation operation mechanism of technique of composite grouting , including spray incise action of high pressure spray flow to soil , mill metathesis concretion action , and penetrate , split , crush action of serum to soil , etc . third , the paper in - depth study design calculate of composite grouting , design of composite grouting technic parameter 其次,本文對復合注漿法加固地基的作用機理進行了深入的探討,包括高壓噴射流對土體的噴射切割作用、漿液與土的攪拌置換固結作用以及漿液對土體的滲透、劈裂、擠密作用等問題。第三,本文對復合注漿的設計計算、注漿技術參數的設計進行了深入的研究。

By analyzing outcome of the surround well pumping water test after the darn was disposed , the pervasion coefficient can meet preventing pervasion purpose ; at the same time , preventing pervasion capability test of the grouting concretion body has been done in the room , with a conclusion gained after analyzing the test outcome , which is there are different effects in preventing pervasion capability of the grouting concretion body on different additive , and this has been applied into preventing pervasion of the engineering 并對處理后的壩體進行現場圍井抽水試驗,得出防滲墻的滲透系數滿足防滲效果;同時在室內漿液固結體進行了抗滲性能試驗,分析試驗結果得出不同添加劉對固結體抗滲性能不同影響,將其應用于該工程的防滲。

The elementary idea of the reference units method can be described as follows : firstly , by the setting of double series of reference units , we can control the highest and lowest land quality class of each village or town ; secondly , the class of the arable land will be get through the contrast between the arable land with the reference unit which has been selected in the same area , the difference in quality is the key factor to classify the land . the results show , 87 . 6 % of the lands from i to iii distribute on alluvial and lacustrine plains , where the associated soils are mainly grey fulvo - aquic and calcareous concretions black ones . and 61 . 4 % of them from iv to vi distribute on slightly rolling parts with mainly yellow - cinnamon soil developed from the diluvial and slope deposits 分等結果表明:臥龍區等的耕地中,有87 . 6分布在沖積、湖積平原區,主要土壤類型是在河流沖積物上發育形成的灰潮土、在湖相沉積物上發育形成的砂姜黑土;等耕地中,有61 . 4分布在壟崗區,主要土壤類型是洪坡積物上發育形成的黃褐土:而、等耕地集中分布在丘陵區,主要土壤類型是殘坡積物上發育形成的粗骨性黃褐土,等別結果分布總體上體現了不同地貌類型、土壤條件下耕地質量的差異。

At concretion means , these mostly adopt systematology route to proceed inquisition , on the basis of reference both here and abroad production , compare objectively analyses technological change with agriculture surplus labor transfer of compartment “ correlation , by the major premise of science and technology , handle science and technology philosophy , sociology , management science , statistics , economics , mathematical statistics , demography , and so on . compare overall systematically approach the feasibility , reliability , elementary path of agriculture surplus labor transfer under conditions of scientific - technical progress 本研究主要采用系統科學的方法,在參照國內外研究成果的基礎上,比較客觀地分析了科學技術進步與農業剩余勞動力轉移之間的相互關系。運用科技哲學、社會學、管理學、統計學、經濟學、數理統計、人口學等學科的知識,比較全面系統地探討了在科技進步條件下,農業剩余勞動力轉移的可能性、可行性、基本路徑等。

Firstly , this thesis explicitly defines the concretion and nature of the prosecutor ' s proposing power , that is , the prosecutor ' s proposing power shall be included in the power of public prosecution which itself in not final penalty and belongs to one kind of basic forms that the state power of legal supervision is exercised 本文首先明確界定了量刑建議權的概念和性質,量刑建議權是公訴權的應有之義,本身不具有終結性和處罰性,是國家法律監督權賴以行使的基本方式之一。

That is to say , this paper improved the layer summation method in order to make it can adapt to any shape load ' s effect and can be used to calculate the eventual foundation deformation of a point at will . at the same , this paper still combined concretion formula of one dimension and hyperbolic method with mathematical and statistical method and revised the hyperbolic method in order to make them can be used more rational 這三種改進的計算方法,即對分層總和法進行改進,利用編程計算,使其可應用到對任何形狀填筑體荷載作用下的任意點處的地基最終沉降變形計算;將一維固結公式及雙曲線法與數理統計相結合,并對雙曲線法進行修正,使兩種方法的應用更趨合理。

In view of geological and hydro - geological situations of the south anchor runyang yangtze river highway bridge , the paper bring forward mathematical model and calculation method of double deck structure groundwater , which can be used to lively calculate every layer ' s water table , so that we can realize every layer ' s settlement calculation and control ; establish the inter relationship between non - linear physical - mechanics parameter and hydro - geological parameter , objectively describe the non - linear change process of the porosity , hydraulic conductivity , specific storativity in the process of soil dewater and concretion 針對潤揚長江公路大橋南錨場地地質、水文地質條件提出了雙層結構地下水運動的數學模型和計算方法,該方法可以實時計算出各分層的地下水位,實現了各分層沉降計算與控制研究;建立了土層非線性物理力學參數與水文地質參數之間的內在聯系,客觀地描述土層降水? ?固結過程中孔隙度、滲透系數和貯水率等參數非線性變化過程。

2 . the creep and the concretion of the soil under either the natural conditions or the external loads are considered to approach the actual impact . moreover , several settlement models and their computing methods are studied , including the simple theory method and the semi - theory & semi - experience method 2 .在自然狀態和外界荷載作用下,適當考慮土體的蠕變、固結等實際問題,從而更接近實際效果;分析比較了幾種沉降模型及其計算方法,主要為簡易理論法、半理論半經驗法等。

In supervising students “ professional curriculum knowledge learning , tutors should focus on improving the distance students “ learning strategy , metacognition level and the cooperation ability , so that realizing their self - development and forming the self - organizational atmosphere in learning community . and the tutors reach the role requirements of curriculum organization , emotional support , information consultant , study monitoring and maintaining community harmony . this research may provide reference to e - tutors “ activities in network education institute of south china normal university as well as other network education institutes , facilitating the concretion of e - tutors “ role and responsibility transformation , promoting the development of professional training of e - tutors 在對遠程學生的初始指導活動中,網絡教師應將重點放在虛擬學習社區的建設方面,營造友好的學習、交互情境;對學生專業課程知識指導的同時,注意提高遠程學生的學習策略、元認知水平和協作能力,最后達到學生的自我發展和學習社區良好的自組織氛圍,網絡教師實現“課程組織、情感支持、信息咨詢、學習監控和社區協調”的角色要求,本研究可以為華南師范大學網絡教育學院和其他網院的網絡教師指導活動提供參考,促進網絡教師角色、職責轉變的具體實現和網絡教師的培訓及專業化發展。

Therefore , it might be very essential to study the cable stayed bridge of the super breadth composite beam . additionally , the main problems of the study are as follows : 5 、 the distributing for stress of lengthways and transverse in transect ; 6 、 discussing the change of stress of lengthways and transverse , while the breadth of bridge is changing ; 7 、 in the cable stayed bridge of the super breadth composite beam , the lengthways reinforce rib and rigidity crossbeam exert influence on stress of bridge board ; 8 、 while tower and beam are concretion , main tower affects bridge board 鑒于目前關于此類橋型研究成果不多,就此作了下列若干問題的研究: 1 、超寬疊合梁斜拉橋橫斷面上縱向應力分布和橫向應力分布特點的研究; 2 、對超寬疊合梁斜拉橋隨著橋寬變化時,上述兩種應力分布變化規律進行探討; 3 、在超寬疊合梁斜拉橋中,縱向加勁肋對橋面板受力的影響;橫梁尤其是剛性橫梁在橋面板受力中所起的作用; 4 、塔梁固結時,主塔對橋面板的作用。

Aim at high pressure high temperature well practice engineering question in field development engineering , especially cnpc southwest oil gas branch gas recovery academy project ' s concretion demand , based upon in existence measuring and testing techniques foundation , the dissertation produce a sort of new optical fiber downhole high pressure high temperature test system , and finish downhole fibre optic pressure sensor ' s design 本文針對油氣田開發工程中高溫高壓井的實際工程問題,特別是cnpc西南油氣田分公司采氣工程研究院科研項目的具體要求,在分析研究現代測試技術基礎上,提出一種新型的光纖式井下高溫高壓測試系統,并主要完成了井下光纖壓力傳感器的設計。

It is clarified that the mining of underground water in non - concretion thick and low layer is the main factor of surface subsidence and compulsive drifting of underground water and special tectonic stratum are the main causes which result in cave - in damage 闡明了非固結厚淺層中地下水的開采是引起地表沉陷的主導因素,而地下水強排和特殊構造地層是誘發沉陷損害的主要原因。

Finally , to ensure the planning carry out , the thesis concretion brought forward academic research , planning establishment , science and technology insure , fund management and more a series of correlation suggestions 最后,為保證名城旅游開發的順利實施,本文還具體提出了名城旅游開發學術研究、規劃編制、科技保障、資金管理等若干相關建議。

Troubles and other realities took on themselves a metaphysical impalpability , sinking to mere mental phenomena for serene contemplation , and no longer stood as pressing concretions which chafed body and soul 一切煩惱和現實中的事情都化作了抽象的虛無縹緲的東西,變成了僅僅供人沉思默想的精神現象,再也不是折磨肉體和靈魂的緊迫的具體的東西。

The hierarchical structure , status and function of optimization and control are different . optimization is the coordination of varied controls , and control is the concretion and implementation of optimization rules 優化和控制在大系統中的層次、地位和作用是不同的,優化是對各種控制的協調,控制是對優化原則的具體細化。

In the end , through comparing the solution of fem to biot concretion theory with the result of predict method in this paper , the superiority of the method presented in the paper is further testified 最后,利用比奧固結理論的有限元解法,進一步驗證本文提出的預測方法的優越性。

After get rid of the concretions , if the silica sals left are less than three inches ( about 8cm ) , added suitable products . the cat s toilet basin should be cleaned once every week 鏟除固結部分,余下便溺土不足三英寸(約8厘米)時,作適量添加,每月至少要清潔貓廁一次。

After get rid of the concretions , if the silica sals left are less than three inches about 8cm , added suitable products . the cat s toilet basin should be cleaned once every week 鏟除固結部分,余下便溺土不足三英寸約8厘米時,作適量添加,每月至少要清潔貓廁一次。

No . in fact , the concretion is due to the lack of calcium , so the intake of nanometer pearl powder will help to reduce the possibility of concretion 不會。其實結石的產生由于體內缺鈣的原因,服用納米珍珠粉反而有助于預防結石。