
concrete adj.1.具體的,有形的;實在的,實際的。2.固結成的...

concrete noun

Reinforced concrete has since been used and highly refined by engineers . 鋼筋混凝土從此以后就被人們采用,一些工程師并對它進行大量改進。

Where pipelines cross swamps, rivers, or lakes they may be encased in concrete . 油管跨越沼澤地,河流、湖泊時,可以用混凝土管匣套起來。

He is not aiming to get the concrete facts of the rise and the decay of any particular city . 他不是著眼于某個特定城市興衰的具體事實。

That this fear had as yet no concrete basis made it all the more nagging . 正是由于這種恐懼心理迄今尚無任何根據,它就更顯得令人討厭。

This suspicion did not take on a more concrete form until early in the last century . 直至上世紀早期,這種猜想才被賦以更具體的形式。

The roof is acid-resistant concrete and carries the acid distributor and its drive . 頂部有耐酸混凝土,裝有酸分部器及其傳動部分。

In 1969 a (51mm) bituminous concrete overlay was placed on the concrete deck . 1969年在混凝土板上鋪設了51mm厚的瀝青混凝土鋪裝層。

Now, however, he was to see the concrete evidence of his success for the first time . 他如今可要第一次看到自己發跡的具體證據啦。

The invention of the solenoid provided immediate concrete evidence of this idea . 螺旋管線圈的發明為這種看法直接提供了具體證據。

One of the commonest foundations is that for a concrete column or a steel stanchion . 最常見的地基之一是混凝土柱或鋼支柱的地基。

They give concrete evidence that nuclear reactions are proceeding in stars . 它們給出了恒星內正在不斷進行的核反應的確實證據。

Mild steel has a high tensile strength, this being about 200 times that of concrete . 軟鋼的抗張強度大,約為混凝土的200倍。

Jordan changed the subject with an urban distaste for the concrete . 喬丹帶有一種城里人不愿說出具體細節的態度,回避了話題。

His mind was concrete and moved with difficulty in regions of the abstract . 他的思想是具體的,他在抽象的領域里步履艱難。

Concrete was supplied from a batching plant located approximately two miles . 混凝土由距工地大約2英里的分批拌合廠供給。

These nonrestrictive units had concrete floors on an interior steel frame . 這些非抗震單元在內部為鋼構架上是水泥地板。

Concrete technology is the making of plentiful good concrete cheaply . 混凝土工藝就是便宜地制備大量優質混凝土的過程。

The outer wall of the harbor would be stand on concrete stilts . 港口的外座落在直插海底的混凝土基椿上。

Lightweight concrete is a development mainly of the last twenty years . 輕質混凝土主要是最近二十年來發展起來的。