
concrescence n.1.【生物學】接合,結合,會合;合生。2.增生,增殖...


Allantoin can accelerate the growth of granulation tissues and the concrescence of wounds , remove necrotic tissues saliently , and promote the regeneration of epithelial cells of mucous membranes 由于本品具有上述藥理作用,近年來我國在化妝美容品方面逐步推廣應用,特別是作為化妝美容品的防腐削,能起到防腐藥理美容的雙重作用,促進皮屑表面的新陳代謝,故深受消費者的歡迎。

Because his wound is not concrescence well , jerry fall in a faint in the lane and rescue by a old man who is working all his life , and tell him about himself suffering whole life 因傷口并沒有很好的愈合的原因,杰瑞在深巷中昏倒,被一位在城中勞作了一輩子的老翁救起,老翁對著昏迷中的杰瑞講訴了自己苦難的一生。

Prevent the skin disease occurs , balance the exudation of the sebum and accelerate the concrescence of the wounds 適合油性皮膚,平衡、抑制皮脂分泌,促進傷口愈合。

Evaluation of concrescence of bone treated with jie gu bao in rabbit 辛伐他汀對高齡老年血脂的影響及安全性觀察