
concorde n.(英法合作制造的)協和式超音速客機。


Man was landing on the moon ; huge computers made thousands of calculations a second ; the basic genetic code had been broken ; major infectious diseases had been defeated through antibiotics and vaccination ; concorde was flying at twice the speed of sound and for the first time we could watch colour tv transmitted live from around the world 人類曾經登上了月球,巨型計算機在一秒的時間內完成成千上萬的計算、基本的遺傳密碼得到破解、通過抗生素和免疫接種使傳染性疾病得到控制、協和式飛機也曾以兩倍于音速飛行,我們也第一次能看到全球實況直播的彩色電視節目。

British pop star sting checked in for the first commercial concorde flight from london since a deadly july 2000 crash of the supersonic jetliner , aiming to become , in the words of one of his countless hits , an englishman in new york 11月7日的飛行是協和飛機恢復客運以來的首次飛行。斯汀登上了這架從倫敦飛往紐約的飛機,正如他的一首歌的歌詞,斯汀這次要體驗一下“英國人在紐約

Government - led industrial plans commonly produce white elephants like the supersonic concorde aircraft in europe and the synfuels fiasco in this country in the late 70 ' s 政府主持的工業計劃通常既費錢又無用,好像歐洲的協和超音速各機以及我國70年代合成燃料的慘痛失敗。

An air france concorde took off from paris for new york shortly before the british airways jetliner left london as both companies resumed concorde passenger services . “ an englishman in new york 斯汀說: “協和飛機的速度是聲速的兩倍,坐在上面可以感到耳邊嗡嗡做響。

Last year ' s concorde crash at charles de gaul airport in paris brought the importance of foreign objects and debris - “ fod ” to the aviation business - into sharp focus 去年法國戴高樂機場發生的“協和式”客機空難令航空業界對那些跑道上的異物和碎片給予了高度重視。

From new york to europe , it takes sometimes 8 to 10 hours , depending on where . but with the concorde , it takes 4 hours . so , this is already proof 從紐約到歐洲有時只要八個小時或十個小時,或九個小時,看要去哪里而定,但用協和式只要四小時,所以這已經是個證明了。

When water brew , package tea slowly opened , marigold just like a flower blooming , shanshan blooming flowers , neatly concorde , miaobugeyan 當熱水沖泡時,包裹的茶葉慢慢打開,金盞花猶如剛盛開的花一樣,姍姍綻放,花團錦簇,整齊協和,妙不可言。

The slip road joining prince edward road east and concorde road near kai tak operational base will be closed between 9 . 30 am and 1 pm on december 5 . 2 接連太子道東及協調道近啟德行動基地的支路將由十二月五日上午九時三十至下午一時封閉。

British singer sting said he had no worries flying on the concorde plane for the first time after being grounded since its deadly 2000 crash 盡管2000年法航協和飛機出現了重大事故,但是英國著名歌星斯汀表示他毫不懷疑協和飛機的安全性。

The two slip roads joining prince edward road east and concorde road near kai tak operational base will be closed between 9 . 30 am and 1 pm 啟德行動機地附近連接太子道東及協調道的兩條支路由上午九時三十分至下午一時封閉。

Flights must be flown in realtime mode ( 1x sim rate . no accelerated mode allowed ) . concorde or other supersonic a / c are also forbidden 飛行過程必須遵循真實情況(禁止開倍速飛行) ,協和等其它超音速機型被列為禁止使用機型

A half an hour later , in the distance , coming from the rond - point down to the place de la concorde , i saw marguerite s carriage approaching 半個小時以后,我遠遠地看到了瑪格麗特的車子從圓形廣場向協和廣場駛來。

The disaster has been blamed on a 16 - inch piece of metal lying on the runway that slashed one of concorde ' s tyres 協和空難的罪魁禍首就是跑道上的一塊16英寸長的金屬片,它刺穿了遇難協和客機的一個輪胎導致了空難。

1976 concorde airliner entered supersonic service with simultaneous take - offs from london to bahrain and paris to rio de janeiro “協和“超音速班機投入使用,從倫敦至巴林和從巴黎至里約熱內盧的飛機同時起飛。

“ his desire for concorde to fly again is well - known . he is passionate about it . “ a spokesman for branson said 布蘭信的發言人表示:很多人都知道他希望協和機可以再飛行。他對這件事很熱心。

Air france is donating its fleet of five concorde ' s to museums after the last flights later this year 在今年晚些時候進行最后幾次飛行后,法國航空公司將把五架協合式飛機捐獻給博物館。

Sting said he was delighted to be back on concorde , having been a regular customer for 20 years 斯汀表示他將非常樂意乘坐協和飛機返回倫敦,因為乘坐協和飛機是他20年來養成的習慣。

Apart from that beautiful flop , the concorde , no other aircraft is as recognisable or as loved 除了“優美的”失敗者?協和飛機,沒有哪種飛機得到波音747的這種認可或者喜愛。

“ concorde is a symbol of british airways , of air travel and normal life , “ he said 他說: “協和飛機不僅是英國航空公司的象征,還是航空旅行和正常生活的象征。