
concordat n.1.協定。2.【宗史】(羅馬教皇與各君主[政府]間的...


For the treaty about the responsibility ' s quality , have four kind doctrine , is a deflect to say respectively , and the act of law say , and the direct provision of law say that say with honest repute , and the writer more incline toward the honest repute to say , quanta this is the treaty about negligence responsibility this a special stage solicit of , the parties steer the activity relating to civil law the hour to must have the heart of bona fides the status , other doctrine all some lead long strong , treaty about of occasion , traditional standpoint it is an acknowledge concordat that negligence responsibility establish does not establish , void or reversed occasion 對于締約責任的性質,有四種學說,分別是侵權行為說,法律行為說,法律直接規定說和誠實信用說,筆者更傾向于誠實信用說,因為這是締約過失責任這一特殊階段要求的,當事人進行民事活動時必須具備誠實善良的內心狀態,其他學說都有些牽強。對于締約過失責任成立的場合,傳統的觀點是只承認合同不成立、無效或被撤銷的場合。筆者認為也應包括合同成立的場合,因為他同時也侵犯了非違約方的固有利益,雖然這部分利益不占重點,但我們不能否認她們的存在,比如標的物有瑕疵,締約人違反保證等。

This article is main the range , treaty about of the concordat responsibility negligence responsibility , see to default the responsibility with the returning of concordat the principle make some to study , quanta these subjects all have some arguments , text with a view to pass the search in the academic world and everybody among them of concerning subject company ' s 這篇文章主要就合同責任的范圍,締約過失責任,預期違約責任和合同的歸責原則作一些探討,因為這些問題在學術界都有一些爭論,本文擬通過研究與大家就其中的有關問題商榷一番。首先是合同責任的范圍,很多學者認為是僅僅指違約責任。

The writer recognizes that as well to should include the concordat the occasion , quanta that establish him also infringement not default the square ' s proper avail , non obstinate this fraction the avail and does not occupy the point , and deny their entity but the non possums , for example the corporeal have the minor faults , treaty about body breach of warranty the etc . ultimately is a treaty about the negligence responsibility is an infringement reliance avail , the writer recognize and should include the modern law of contract of proper avail , quanta to have the infringement 最后就是締約過失責任是只侵犯了信賴利益嗎,筆者認為應該包括固有利益,因為現代契約法有侵權法向合同法轉移的情況,其根源就是侵犯的包括固有利益。再次是關于預期違約責任的一些問題,預期違約來源于英美法系,對于預期違約的概念國內有三種,筆者認為它的定義是在合同締結之后至合同履行期到來之前產生的履約危險加以救濟的法律制度。

In april 1990 , a supplement to the 1983 concordat was issued with the intention of improving the flow of prudential information between banking supervisors in different countries . in june 1992 certain of the principles of the concordat were reformulated as minimum standards 至少在開放型基金的情況下,主管機構在經過充分的實踐之后,有可能會做出結論,使用具有強大權力的受托人而沒有設有獨立董事的契約性基金,將能夠充分保障投資者的利益。