
concordant adj.協和的,一致的 (with); 【音樂】協和音的...

concordant twin

Pilsenite is a rare mineral and its information is deficient . the first found pilsenite in china is in gaozhuang , henan province . pilsenite , associated with pyrrhotite , pyrite , hessite , gold , produced in pyrrhotite - polymetallic stage . three bismuth - tellurides produced in gaozhuang are well concordant with the standard pilsenite in composition , and other three are different from any of known bismuth - tellurium minerals . single crystal diffraction were made on a larger mineral grain of pilsenite . au growth and decline together with bi and te in ores and wall - rocks , which suggests that bi and te play a important role in migration and enrichment of au 經電子探針分析,高莊金礦有多種鉍碲化物,有三粒礦物的成分與標準葉碲鉍礦完全一致。對一較大顆粒的葉碲鉍礦做了單晶x射線衍射分析。 au與bi在礦石和圍巖中的含量呈共消長關系, te與bi可能對au ag的遷移富集起了重要作用。

There are abundant copper ore resources and mineralization types of copper ore deposits in gansu , china , but the reserves explored is not concordant with of intensity of copper mineralization , which in the providing reserves for important bases of the copper mine productions there is a serious question 甘肅銅礦資源豐富,成礦類型發育齊全。但是,已探明儲量與銅礦化強度極不相稱;重要銅礦生產基地的資源保障形勢嚴峻。深化區域成礦規律認識與拓寬勘查研究思路尤為重要。

First of all , by contrast , it analyzes the historical relations between our market mechanism and development of legal institutions , demonstrating that our market mechanism organicly links with the development of legal institutions since our reform and it is a progressive , interdynamic , concordant process 首先,通過對比,分析了我國的市場化與法治化進程的歷史關聯,論證了改革開放以來,我國市場經濟與法治進程是有機聯系在一起的,是一種互動與整合的漸進過程。

Building modern agriculture , prospering rural economy and increasing peasants “ income is a great task to build a well - off society that was put in the 16th cpc national congress ; holding people as the center , developing and planning the cities and countries as a whole , propelling the concordant development of economy , society and people , which are specific requirements of scientific development conception . “ peasant , agriculture and village ( sannong ) “ is not only an economical problem , but also a political problem 建設現代農業,繁榮農村經濟,增加農民收入,是黨的十六大提出的全面建設小康社會的重大任務;堅持以人為本,統籌城鄉、區域發展,促進經濟社會和人協調發展,是科學發展觀的明確要求; “三農”問題不僅是一個經濟問題,更是一個政治問題。

Building and improving the social security system fitting in with the development standards of economy is the necessary demand for the concordant development of economy and society , the important assurance of long - term stability of society and state , and the requirement in essence for the happiness and good health of individual member in society 社會保障是現代國家最重要的社會經濟制度之一。建立健全與經濟發展水平相適應的社會保障體系,是經濟社會協調發展的必然要求,是社會穩定和國家長治久安的重要保證,是社會個體成員幸福安康的本質需要。

In part ii , we specifically expound the practical value of the traditional culture . in spiritual life , it has concordant value ; in economic life , it has dynamic value ; in spiritual life , it has resource value , and in daily life , it has ideal guidance value 第二部分,在肯定中國傳統文化在現代生活中有存在的現實性根據的前提下,具體探討它對現代生活的實際價值,說明它的社會整合價值、經濟動力價值、精神資源價值和觀念引導價值。

The immediate host siliceous rocks of typical deposits ( jinya , gaolong ) are of hydrothermal sedimentary origin . gold ore bodies are layer - like and generally concordant with their host rocks . abundant relict synsedimentary fabrics are preserved in the ores 典型礦床(金牙、高龍)中的含礦硅質巖屬熱水沉積巖,礦體形態主要為與地層整合的層狀和似層狀,礦石具有大量同生沉積的標型組構。

An optimization example showed that the method was valid and satisfied the design requirement of some related structure and performance parameters on the conditions of minimum volume , concordant gears and rotors cavity structure 實例分析證明,該方法可以在保證泵體積小、齒輪腔與轉子腔結構協調的情況下,滿足有關結構和性能參數的設計要求。

In the third part , the author analyses the current condition of kaiyuan - qinghe concordant region ’ s ecological space , and finds out its main ecology problems 第三部分以“反規劃”理念為指導,對開原?清河整合區生態空間的現狀進行了分析,找出了由其導致的主要生態問題。

Then give orders respectively according to the result of above analyses . next we test the two methods through concordant coefficients “ kendall - w test 再對兩種綜合方法進行kendall - w協同系數檢驗,結果表明兩種方法是高度一致的。

We find that the two methods are highly concordant , which means that the method by synthesizing the above two methods are reasonable 這保證了兩種綜合評價方法組合運用的合理性。最后對兩種方法進行組合。

In conclusion , changes in albuminuria are not concordant in a substantial proportion of patients when titrated for bp 總之,當根據血壓調整藥物劑量時,相當多的患者白蛋白尿的變化與血壓變化并不一致。

Concordant injected body 整合注入巖體

Many ultrabasic bodies in the orogenic association occur along strike faults, which gives a simulated concordant relationship . 與造山運動共生的許多超基性巖體沿著走向斷層出露,表現出假的整合關系。

The harmonization theory sees international law and muncipal law as concordant bodies of doctrine . 協調說認為國際法和國內法是和諧一致的學說體系。

In parallel or concordant bedding the strata overlay each other like pages of a book . 在平行的或者整合的層面中,地層好象書頁一般互相重迭。

The ultrabasic bodies are generally concordant intrusions, with related feeder dikes . 超基性巖一般為具有補給巖墻的整合侵入體。