
concordance n.1.(著作、作家的)詞匯索引 (to)。2.協和,調...


Structure validity and content validity were used as validity index . the correlation coefficient of all the factors was moderate , which indicated good concordance in a way among the factors ; the correlation coefficient between factors and the sum of questionnaire was more than 0 . 5 , which showed all the elements fairly good reflect the content that the questionnaire aimed to survey 研究發現各因素間呈中等偏低的相關,表明因素之間具有一定的獨立性;各因素與問卷總分間基本上達到中等偏高的相關,表明各個因素較好的反映了問卷所要測查的內容;進一步的驗證性因素分析也驗證了目前的因素結構。

Chapter 2 introduced tn methodology system including dematel , concordance analysis , fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and the analytic hierarchy process . the basic mathematical model of concordance analysis of multicriteria decision - making with varied weight was established . and the applications of tn method in the development problem study of jilin provincial software industry were given 第二章論述了將因素識別與分析評價dematel模型、協調分析模型、層次分析ahp模型等綜合集成于一體的tn法體系,初步提出了多目標變權協調分析的數學模型,探討了tn法在吉林省軟件產業發展問題中的應用。

4 . we study chromosome coding and heredity operator designing aimed at tp , then introduce the multiobjective decision - making concordance model , put forward a fitness computation mode base on multiobjective concordance decision - making model and improve the generalized structure of ga , form a coordinated multiobjective optimization algorithm of tp 針對排課問題研究了染色體編碼方式以及遺傳操作算子的設計,并引入多目標決策協調模型,提出了一種基于多目標決策協調模型的適應度計算方法,并改進了遺傳算法一般結構,形成了一套多目標協同優化的排課算法。

In theoretic analysis , i evaluate dual - economic model , experience analysis mode , agricultural development theories , rural industrialization theories , rural population migrants theories , these theorieses usually base on historical experience of developed countries , exsit many drawbacks , such as , the theoretic premise dose not in concordance with reality of developing countries , unilaterally exaggerate the city ' s ability to acc - ommodate rural labor force and so on 在理論分析方面,對發展經濟學關于二元經濟模型、經驗分析模式、農業發展理論、農村工業化理論、農村人口城市化理論進行分析評價,這些理論通常以發達國家的歷史經驗為依據,存在諸多缺陷,如理論的前提假設與發展中國家的經濟現實不符、片面夸大了城市吸收勞動力的能力等。

So , from this conclusion we find a theoretic basis to reduce asymmetric information and improve institutional circumstance . and all opinions can come to concordance : whatever through reducing asymmetric information or improving institutional circumstance to solve the problem , the essential goal is to reduce the transaction costs in financing 并對我國中小企業的融資現狀進行了描述,建立了一個中小企業資金缺口模型來著重分析引起我國中小企業融資難現狀的各種原因,發現產生資金缺口的原因主要有三方面,即信息不對稱、金融抑制和制度政策歧視。

When applying for import of live protected species or its products ; for export or re - export countries which are cites members , a copy of a special export concordance issued by the cites management authorities of original country or the re - exporting country for protected species or its products shall be included ; for non - cites members , a copy of a certification of place of production or approval documents issued by the authorities of country of origin or the re - export country shall be included 三、申請輸入保育類野生動物活體或其產制品時,其輸出國或再輸出國為瀕臨絕種野生動植物國際貿易公約會員國者,應檢附輸出國或再輸出國管理機關核發之符合該公約規定之出口許可證影本;非會員國者,應檢附輸出國或再輸出國主管機關核發之產地證明書或同意輸出文件影本。

The difference at low temperature and the concordance at high temperature still appear . analysis is made and all the results are shown in the form of graph . the result shows the tendency of the critical temperature ' s changing to the given particle number , when the quantum effect is major , is more slow than that got by the integral method 并利用所得能級找出了相互作用系統中粒子的狀態分布、相互作用對激發態占據數的影響、不同作用下基態占據與溫度的關系以及相互作用對系統轉變溫度的影響,然后用圖形表現出有相互作用時和無相互作用時所得結果的區別。

And then , some common methods of gdm , such as the ahp method , the weighted geometric mean method ( wgmm ) , the borda - kendall method , the minimum variance ( mv ) method , the clustering analytic method , the cook - seiford distance measure , cb measure , the maximum and the minimum expected values , the concordance and discordance indices , etc . , are used to discuss some consensus problems of gdm , including the consistency of the complex judgment matrix in ahp , the consensus methods of the aggregation of individual preferences ; the aggregation of analytic hierarchy process methods based on similarities in decision makers “ preferences , a consensus measure on multiple criteria group decision making 接著本文采用了群體決策中常用的一些方法(如: ahp法,加權幾何平均法, borda - kendall方法,最小方差法,聚類分析法, cook - seiford距離測度法, c _ b測度法,最大最小期望值法,一致性非一致性指標法等)對群體決策中的幾個一致性問題進行了研究,這些問題包括: ahp中復合判斷矩陣的一致性,個體偏好序集結的一致化方法,基于決策者偏好相似性的層次分析模型的集結中的一致性問題和多準則群體決策的一致性測度。

In fact , the knowledge database is an experiential specialist system , which includes library classification , thesaurus , concordance of class number with descriptor , synonymous dictionary , keywords lists , stop - words lists , etc . after determining the indexing data of web pages , the method of weighted word frequency , which combined with statistical algorithms , is adopted to exercise the subject indexing of chinese web pages 在確定網頁基本信息標引源的基礎上,中文網頁主題標引運用了基于詞頻的統計加權法;通過與分類號?主題詞對應庫主題詞串的詞面相似度計算,進一步完成中文網頁的賦號標引,即分類標引。

And as the ends and ultimates of all things accord in some mean and measure with their inceptions and originals , that same multiplicit concordance which leads forth growth from birth accomplishing by a retrogressive metamorphosis that minishing and ablation towards the final which is agreeable unto nature so is it with our subsolar being 然而萬物之目的及終局多少均與發端及起源相一致:即誕生后逐漸發育成長,隨后則依自然法則,朝終局縮小退步,以后退之變化告終。吾曹在天日下之生存,亦同于上述眾多相對關系。

When applying for export of protected species or its products which are also cites appendix i species ; for import countries which are cites members , a copy of a special import concordance issued by the cites management authority of the original country for protected species or its products shall be included ; for non - cites members , a copy of import approval documents issued by the authority of the country of origin shall be included 四、申請輸出符合瀕臨絕種野生動植物國際貿易公約附錄一物種之保育類野生動物活體或其產制品時,其輸入國為該公約會員國者,應檢附輸入國管理機關核發之符合該公約規定之進口許可證影本;如為非會員國者,應檢附輸入國主管機關核發之同意輸入文件影本。

This thesis explores deep applying the method of task - driving optimize information technology course instruction in primary and secondary schools , in which these educational research methods have been used : action research , literature concordance , investigation and interview , observation involvement , etc . the thesis makes up of five parts 本文采用行動研究、文獻檢索、訪談、參與觀察等研究方法,對運用任務驅動法優化中小學信息技術課教學進行了較深入的探索。本文共分為五個部分。

During the temperature fields , the results indicate that the processing parameters such as the extrusion velocity , casting temperature , perform preheating temperature , die preheating temperature and so on are important for the temperature fields besides the dwell time . they are must be in concordance each other to the deforming zone is in the quasi - solid state , and the stable semi - solid extrusion is implemented . during the deforming fields , the hyperbolic sine thermo - rigid - viscoplastic fem model is selected according to the forming feature of the process , and the variations of the stress - strain fields are studied 在溫度場的模擬中,模擬結果表明,保壓時間是影響制件成形質量的關鍵因素之一,擠壓速度、液態金屬澆注溫度、預制體預熱溫度和模具預熱溫度等工藝參數對溫度場的影響也很大,需進行參數之間的協調,只有當變形區內部始終維持準固態時,才能實現穩定的液-固擠壓成形過程;在變形場的模擬中,根據液態浸滲擠壓的成形特征,選用了雙曲正弦剛-粘塑性有限元計算模型,研究了變形過程中應力應變場的變化規律,研究了模角對變形和金屬流動的影響及變形力的變化過程和其影響因素。

Abstract : a new method for the non - linear deformations of reinforced concrete columns in high - rise building under loads , creep and shrinkage is described . the practical expressions of creep and shrinkage factors are derived . the results computed by this method are in concordance with those of the test 文摘:提出了計算柱非線性變形的新方法,同時考慮了混凝土徐變收縮和荷載的影響,引用了作者導出的一組數解徐變收縮的公式,并與試驗比較,結果令人滿意

Moreover , investigators have found greater lupus concordance ? either shared lupus or a shared absence of it ? in sets of identical twins ( who are genetically indistinguishable ) than in sets of fraternal twins ( whose genes generally are no more alike than those of other pairs of siblings ) 此外,科學家還發現同卵雙胞胎(有相同的遺傳)同時罹患狼瘡或兩人皆無狼瘡的情況,要高過異卵雙胞胎(遺傳上的差異和一般兄弟姊妹相同) 。

Split - half coefficient and internal concordance coefficient ( cronbach a coefficient ) were used to test reliability of the questionnaire . coefficient of all the factors was significant that shows the questionnaire has good internal concordance and high split - half reliability ( 2 )本研究用分半信度和內部一致性系數( cronbacha系數)檢驗問卷的信度,信度系數均達到顯著水平,說明中學校風問卷具有較好的信度。

Low combustion efficiency and serious pollution problems come with the behindhand facilities and technology of coal combustion . in order to reach the concordance of the energy utilization and the environment , we should develop the clean coal technology 為了使能源生產和利用與環境相協調,實現可持續發展,我們必須發展清潔煤利用技術,而循環流化床燃煤技術將是清潔煤利用技術的主要形式和發展的重點。

Once - daily sulfonylureas should be an available option where drug concordance is problematic . rapid - acting insulin secretagogues may be useful as an alternative to sulfonylureas in some insulin - sensitive people with ? exible lifestyles 如果有藥物依從性的問題時,一日一次的磺脲類藥物是個比較合適的選擇。在那些生活方式比較靈活的胰島素敏感個體中,應用速效胰島素促泌劑來代替磺脲類藥物會比較有用。

Once - daily sulfonylureas should be an aailable option where drug concordance is problematic . rapid - acting insulin secretagogues may be useful as an alternatie to sulfonylureas in some insulin - sensitie people with ? exible lifestyles 如果有藥物依從性的問題時,一日一次的磺脲類藥物是個比較合適的選擇。在那些生活方式比較靈活的胰島素敏感個體中,應用速效胰島素促泌劑來代替磺脲類藥物會比較有用。