
concord n.1.協和,一致;(國際間的)和諧。2.(國際間的)協...


Concord later becamefamous as a home for philosophers , but thoreau was the only realnative among them ; the others came there from different places 康科德后來以哲學家的家鄉出了名,但索洛是他們中間唯一的真正的當地人;其他幾位哲學家都是從外地來的。

Ap ) - concord , new hampshire - new hampshire on friday became the first u . s . state to repeal a law requiring parental notification for teenagers to get abortions 新罕布什爾州康科德? ?新罕布什爾州于周五成為美國廢除未成年人墮胎通知父母法的第一州。

There is also a broadcast on channel 25 concord , northern california of supreme master ching hai s teachings in english , every wednesday night at 8 o clock 在加州北部的康考爾德則是于每星期三晚上八點,在第二十五頻道播出師父的英語開示。

With the prices of cdrs stabilizing and the gradual replacement of floppy diskettes by cdrs , concord is expected to record improved results in the coming year 隨著cdr的價格轉趨穩定,并且逐步取代傳統磁碟,預計康美的業績將有所收善。

Whatever benefits he reap , there should be no jealousy at heart . he who has been nursing a grudge against others would never hope for living in concord 無論見別人得什么好處;總不可存嫉妒的心。嫉妒人的人永遠不要希望能與人同處得好。

The world - recognized “ concord coach “ was made here , as was america s first cog - railroad to mount washington dating 1869 聞名世界的協和列車concord coach也是在這里制造的。 1869年美國前所未有的輪鐵路在mount washington建成。

Our city tour also takes in all the other famous landmarks : the eiffel tower , place de la concord , champs elysees , arc de triomphe 乘車經凱旋門協和廣場歌劇院香榭麗舍大道艾菲爾鐵塔,每個景點都各具特色,引人入勝。

All my confidence is bestowed on him , all his confidence is devoted to me ; we are precisely suited in character - perfect concord is the result 他同我推心置腹,我同他無話不談。我們的性格完全投合,結果彼此心心相印。

It was a great surprise , and an even greater honor , to be told that i had been given the prince of asturias award for concord 當我獲知被授予阿斯圖里亞斯王子友誼獎章時,我感到十分驚訝,同時這也是一個莫大的榮譽。

The group s investments in optical disk products manufacturer concord continued to serve as a vehicle for long - term business diversification 集團投資光碟產品生產商康美,作為業務多元化發展之長遠目標中重要一步。

The concord building at 60 - 104 soy street in mong kok has 25 , 089 sq . ft . of total floor area , housing various shops and restaurants 鴻都大廈位于旺角鼓油街60 - 104號,總面積25 , 089平方尺,商場提供各式商鋪及食肆。

She wrote from the heart , and wove into the story incidents from the lives of herself and her three sisters at concord 這是她從心坎里寫出來的書,她把自己生活中的瑣事和在康科德她的三個姐妹都寫進故事里去。

And what concord hath christ with belial ? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel 15基督和彼列(彼列就是撒但的別名)有什么相和呢。信主的和不信主的有什么相干呢。

Iess maritime accidents happen and more sociai wealth is saved , which concords to the opinion of legal economics 其直接結果是減少了海事事故的發生,節約了大量的社會財富。

The werewolves argued and fought among themselves until they reached a compromise known as the concord 狼人們吵作一團大打出手,直到他們得到一個折中的辦法,這就是諧約。

Henry david thoreau ( 1817 - 1862 , american naturalist andphilosopher ) was born in concord in 1817 亨利?戴維?索洛( 1817 - 1862 ,美國博物學家及哲學家) 1817年出生于康科德。

Respectively on 1f 2f 3f and 4f . is the unique restaurant in jinan by hongkong concord hotel management group 特派遣管理集團香港總部之餐飲總監香港名廚陳偉倫先生主理。

Ralph waldo emerson , the leader of the transcendentalists , moved to concord where he met thoreau “先驗論”者的領袖雷爾夫?瓦爾德、愛默生遷到康考特后,與索洛結識。

Offers a wide range of watches such as movado , seiko , citizen , concord , omega , and breitling -一個網上鐘表超市,雷達浪琴和歐米茄等名表的銷售,提供在線付款功能。