
concomitant adj.相伴的,并在的,伴生的,附隨的。n.〔常 pl....


Nanotubes hold great promise as well for electronics , portending a drastic shrinkage of wires and electronic devices , with a concomitant increase in speed [ see “ nanotubes for electronics , ” by philip g 崔瑟豪斯表示,它有多方面的應用潛力,包括扁平螢幕、氫能儲存、建材和遞送藥物等。

Results among the 25 accidents , concomitant and secondary , there were 9 aneurysm ruptures , 7 over - embolizations , 7 coil end protrudings to the parent artery , and 2 thromboses 結果22例出現并發癥的動脈瘤患者中,動脈瘤破裂出血9例次,過度栓塞7例次,彈簧圈脫出7例次,血栓形成2例次。

The comprehensive character is higher , there are certain work ability and the family sense of responsibilities , the man between the age 45 - 70 years old is concomitant life long 綜合素質較高,有一定的工作能力和家庭責任感,年齡45至70歲之間的男士相伴終身

Fight for hard while meeting the person of true love and he the opportunity of the concomitant whole life , because of be when he leaves , everything all too late 遇到真愛的有時,要努力爭取和他相伴一生的機會,因為當他離開時,一切都來不及了

But on the whole , they are struggling to increase their output , owing to shortages of engineers and equipment , and to the concomitant rise in development costs 但總的來說,他們是在勉為其難,因為工程師和設備的短缺,以及開采成本的增大。

And orchid after the concomitant evening , the heart is pure such as the water . enjoy this quite in the meantime you also be enjoying a to belong to an own romance 與蘭相伴黃昏后,心清如水.享受這份寧靜的同時你也在享受一份屬于自己的浪漫

Meet and you the person of concomitant whole life , 100 separately 100 grounds appreciate him for loving you , because you all got happiness and true love now 遇到和你相伴一生的人時,要百分百地感謝他愛你,因為你們現在都得到了幸福和真愛

It is consequently likely that the lithium intoxication was induced by concomitant administration of rofecoxib causing a reversible decrease in renal function 因此,很可能是鋰中毒引起羅非考昔治療后發生可逆性腎功能減退。

Conclusion echocardiography is an accurate , noninvasive and the initial method in diagnosing this disease and other concomitant congenital malformations 結論超聲心動圖檢查為確診該病及伴隨畸形的首選,準確,無創檢查方法。

Herein , we present the case of a 79 - year - old male with pulmonary tuberculosis and concomitant tuberculous tenosynovitis 在此我們報告一例79歲男性病患同時罹患肺結核合并腕結核性腱鞘炎,結核性腱鞘炎經三個月延遲后才被確認。

It shows us a brand - new angle of view , idea and method , usually bringing concomitant progress in investigation and construction of law 它向人們展現了一種嶄新的視角、觀念和方法,并帶來法學研究和法治建設的發展進步。

The services sector has not only flourished but also diversified in types of activities , concomitant with the structural transformation of the economy 服務業在經濟轉型過程中,服務業不但蓬勃發展,活動也趨多元化。

The experiences of economic growth and development in many countries indicate that economic fluctuation is a concomitant phenomenon of economic growth 各國經濟增長與發展歷程表明,經濟波動是經濟增長過程的伴生現象。

15 concomitant therapy with other calcium antagonists , antihypertensives and alcohol may potentiate the hypotensive action of the drug 與其他的鈣桔抗劑、抗高血壓藥物及酒精飲料同時使用,會增強本品的降低血壓的作用。

Cancer patients ? quitting smoking lowers the chance for other concomitant cancers . it also improves the capability of the body to fight against cancer 癌病病人:戒煙減低患上其他癌病的機會,并增強對抗癌病的能力

Cases of adverse effects were usually related to high dosage or long term or concomitant use with other drugs such as caffeine 出現不良反應的情況,通常與服用高劑量或長期使用或與咖啡因等其他藥物伴隨使用有關。

Open - label and non - randomized study of therapeutic effect of parkinson ' s disease with madopar monotherapy and concomitant madopar therapy with dopamine agonists 抗帕顆粒聯合美多巴治療血管性帕金森綜合征

As the working current of this assembly is very big , concomitant electromagnetic wave , harmonics and so on ca n ' t been neglected 由于該裝置的工作電流較大,伴隨而來的電磁場以及諧波等問題不可忽視。

Late course accelerated hyperfractionation conform radiotherapy concomitant with huisheng koufuye in patients with esophageal carcinoma 后程加速超分割適形放療聯合回生口服液治療食道癌的療效分析