
concoction n.1.調制;調合[混合]品。2.捏造。3.策劃,圖謀。...


Luwei , which shih specializes in , is a uniquely chinese method of food preparation . various kinds of meat - such as beef tendon , tripe , and beef intestines - along with dried tofu , are stewed in a concoction of soy sauce , herbs and spices , producing a delicious flavor that makes a good accompaniment to liquor . 65 tungfeng st , taipei 鹵味是中國菜中特有的烹調方法,用醬油與香料鹵出各種肉類的特殊風味,史大德的鹵味顯然是慢工出細活,讓醬香與五香穿透食物,牛腱牛筋牛肚豆干,以及層層相套的牛腸,都是下酒的好菜。

She wondered at her own solitude these two years past - her indifference to the fact that she had never achieved what she had expected . the play was one of those drawing - room concoctions in which charmingly overdressed ladies and gentlemen suffer the pangs of love and jealousy amid gilded surroundings 這出戲是那種根據有閑階層的人在客廳里閑談的資料編寫的作品,戲中那些盛裝的漂亮的小姐太太和紳士們,在金碧輝煌的環境之中,遭受著愛情和嫉妒的折磨。

My greatest pleasure during this period was to return to my living quarters after work and have a bowl of simple soup made of mineral water , noodles , vegetables and a pinch of monosodium glutamate . the concoction tasted just marvelous and i felt as if i were in heaven every time i ate it 而我最大的享受,則是工作后回到住所,煮碗簡單的湯面:礦泉水面條和青菜煮在一起,再加少許味素,吃在嘴里,感覺味道特別香美,簡直就像置身天堂一樣。

The keeper of the shelter in the middle of this tte - tte put a boiling swimming cup of a choice concoction labelled coffee on the table and a rather antediluvian specimen of a bun , or so it seemed , after which he beat a retreat to his counter 他們正促膝談心45時,馬車夫棚老板將一杯熱氣騰騰幾乎漫出來的美其名為咖啡的高級混合飲料擺在桌上,還有一個小圓面包-毋寧說是遠古時代的品種,或者看上去是這樣。隨后他又回到柜臺那兒去了。

The bat rider has the unstable concoction ability , which is basically a kamikaze attack ( like those zerg units ) , it can knock down any small flyer ( like gargoyles ) and 2 - 3 can take down the larger beasts like dragon hawks ( new human unit ) 蝙蝠騎士擁有不固定的混合技能,現在姑且叫做神風敢死隊之擊, (象那些蟲族的單位) ,他們可(自殺襲擊)擊落石像鬼之類的空軍,兩到三個可以擊落龍鷹之類的巨型空軍單位。

It aimed to determine the efficacy and tolerability of the tchm concoction in children with ad . a twice - daily concoction containing five herbal extracts has been found to be beneficial in the open study . the five herbs include 研究結果發現,服用由五種傳統及常用的中草藥金銀花、薄荷、丹皮、蒼術及黃柏合制而成的中藥膠囊,可有效減緩異位性皮膚炎患者的病情。

“ we view mr . cohen ' s behavior at the mtv europe music awards as utterly unacceptable , being a concoction of bad taste and ill manners which is completely incompatible with ethics and civilized behavior , “ ashykbayev said 我們認為科恩先生在‘ mtv歐洲音樂獎’頒獎會上的行為是極不合適的,簡直就是毫無禮貌和道德的低劣行為。 ”

Highly refined “ china white “ heroin is now the drug of choice of most addicts . far more potent than opium , heroin and a fearful collection of other lethal concoctions fuel a lethal but enormously lucrative trade 由于藥性遠比鴉片猛烈,海洛英及其他各式各樣可致命的孳物進一步推動了毒品這門危害人命但利潤相當可觀的生意。

Dried ginger first boiling water for 30 minutes , take concoction with a common jujube and japonica rice conjee , to be cooked porridge , brown sugar to join , serve hot food service . 1st day , and even served 5 - 7 days 先將干姜加水煎煮30分鐘,取藥汁與大棗和粳米共同煮粥,待粥熟時,加入紅糖,趁熱食服,每天1次,連服5 7天。

Even the manufacturers of generics agree that the hurdle must be set higher for biologics , because small differences in protein concoctions can have enormous consequences in the body 就連學名藥的制造商也同意,對生技學名藥的門檻必須要調高一點,因為蛋白質的組成只要有些微不同,就可能對人體產生重大的影響。

The company won ' t reveal what proportion of its uk sales are from sugary coke rather than diet brands , but millions of britons are glugging concoctions of sugary water , additives and caffeine 公司不肯?露在英國,糖份可樂和健怡品牌的銷售比例,但是上百萬的英國人仍在喝糖水與咖啡因的混合液。

Pink roses : pink roses suggest joy , grace , and poetic romance . a dazzling concoction of delightfully blossomed light pink rose buds adds style and elegance to any setting 粉玫瑰:代表歡樂、典雅以及詩般浪漫感覺。令人賞心悅目的淺粉玫瑰花蕾不論置于何地都能增添些格調和高雅。

The concoction of the two most dynamic instruments - wind and percussion , never fails to create a roaring and captivating ambience when collaborated at the same staging 吹打樂,兩種最鬧的樂器組合,在同一個演出場合中合作,往往可以營照出鑼鼓喧天與震人心緋的氣勢。

She came upon the corset counter and paused in rich reverie as she noted the dainty concoctions of colour and lace there displayed 她來到女胸衣柜臺,看到那些做工精美,顏色繽紛,有花邊裝飾的胸衣時,停下了腳步,陷入豐富的遐想。

Canned soup , on the other hand , is a miserable concoction of salt , fat , artificial additives , preservatives , water and maybe part of a carrot 罐頭濃湯根本就是鹽、脂肪、人工添加劑、防腐劑和水的混合物,可能還會有點胡蘿卜吧。

Lulled into its soothing and beguiling rhythms , the city ' s concoction of pleasures soon work their way under your skin 在舒緩和誘人的節奏中安靜入睡,都市的樂趣混合在一起以他們特有的方式滲入到你的皮膚里。

The ancient roman prototype for our modern , velvety concoctions was cream mixed with berries and alpine snow 現代滑嫩爽口的冰淇淋在古羅馬時期的原型,是奶油和各種漿果以及阿爾卑斯山山雪的混合物。

The prototype for modern american ice cream was the roman concoction of cream mixed with berries and alpine snow 現代美國冰激凌的原形是羅馬人將莓果和高山上的雪以及奶油混合調制成的一種食物。

This effervescent , fruit - laced concoction was first devised at harry ' s bar in venice , italy during world war ii 這款果味濃郁的泡騰飲料二戰時發明于意大利威尼斯的哈里斯酒吧,它叫什么名字?