
concoct vt.1.調制,泡制(湯、飲料、肥皂等)。2.捏造,編造...


Three friends concoct the ultimate love drug , tlv , and fall in love with the same woman , renana . years later , renana ' s ex - lovers team up to rescue her from an indian prison 三個中了愛情毒藥的男子同時愛上了同一個女子? ?瑞娜哪。幾年后,無法和瑞娜哪共結連理的另兩人攜手去營救被關在印第安人的監獄里的瑞娜哪。

They figured out how to keep earth s penetrating magnetic field out of the spacecraft . and they concocted a device to measure the spin of a gyro without touching the gyro 除此之外,他們亦想出怎樣使地球滲透性的磁場不會進入飛船之內,以及發明一種無須要觸及回轉儀而能量度其轉動的儀器。

Upon that , agitated anew by their attachment to him , yet honourably disposed to her , marian uncorked the penny ink - bottle they shared , and a few lines were concocted between the two girls 聽說了這個消息,又引發了她們對他的舊情,但是她們也要光明正大地為苔絲作點事。

Concocting near - perfect lie detection may , nonetheless , be much easier than making a sophisticated thought reader ? and almost as dangerous to mental privacy 不過,制造一個幾乎完美的測謊器還是比制造一個精密的讀心機來得容易,但是對心智隱私權的威脅,兩者是同樣厲害。

China ' s tongren temple has this kind of ancient precept : concocts although numerous , must not dare to omit artificial ; savors although is expensive , must not dare to omit physical resource 中國的同仁堂有這樣一條古訓:炮制雖繁,必不敢省人工;品味雖貴,必不敢省物力。

In may , she and three student researchers reached a milestone : they concocted a chemical mixture that turns from blue to colorless when rohypnol is added 五月份,她和三名研究生取得了里程碑似的進展:他們調和出一種化學混和物,當迷奸藥被加入時可以由藍色變為無色。

A german brewer has concocted what he says is the world ' s strongest beer , a potent drink with an alcohol content of 25 . 4 percent that is served in a shot glass 一名德國啤酒釀造商調制出號稱為全世界最烈的啤酒?一種酒精濃度25 . 4 %的濃烈酒飲,以小酒杯的份量供應。

German brewer has concocted what he says is the world ' s strongest beer , a potent drink with an alcohol content of 25 . 4 percent that is served in a shot glass 一名德國啤酒釀造商調制出號稱為全世界最烈的啤酒?一種酒精濃度25 . 4 %的濃烈酒飲,以小酒杯的份量供應。

Instead , they make a point of writing about the dark side of life , they spread pessimism and sometimes even concoct stories to distort the revolutionary past and present 相反,他們卻熱心于寫陰暗的、灰色的、以至胡編亂造、歪曲革命的歷史和現實的東西。

This has the further consequence that the populace may remain relatively unaffected by the sophisticated universe - maintaining theories concocted by the theological specialists 更進一步來說,常人相對地不受到神學專業者所文飾的維持共同體理論影響” 。

This has the further consequence that populace may remain relatively unaffected by the sophisticated universe - maintaining theories concocted by the theological specialists 更有甚者,理論專家捏造了維持共同體的復雜理論,但這仍然無法影響大眾。

Now , with the help of his friend ulra rob schneider , he has to concoct new and increasinly clever ways to meet her and get her to fall for him everyday 可惜露絲每當醒來時候就把昨天事忘記得一乾二凈,癡心的他只好每天展開追求,重新奪回芳心?

Enraptured by her , the deputies concoct a plan to save her from capture , and jin leads her north in what becomes a perilous journey into the unknown 奉天縣兩大捕頭:劉捕頭金捕頭奉命于十日之內,將飛刀門新任幫主緝拿歸案。

But i think that in such cases , it s better to go with the natural naming than to concoct naming tricks to get around this problem 但是,我認為,在這種情況下,最好通過自然命名方法來解決這一問題,而不是耍命名的把戲。

Used with hyacinthin , the necessity for concocting hyacinth essence , rose essence and etc ; also it is an important medical material 和苯乙醛混用,調制水仙,玫瑰香料等用,添加到肥皂,香水和化工品同時也是重要的醫藥原料

We may embellish a story , forget a word of the song , adapt an old technology or concoct a new theory out of old ideas 我們也許會給聽來的故事添枝加葉、忘記一首歌里的一個字、改造舊技術、以老點子發明新理論。

According to this view , all religions are something like philosophical systems , and like them are concocted out of the head 依照這個觀念,所有宗教有點像哲學思想體系一樣,都是由人腦的結構發展出來。

And the west and japan have also wantonly concocted the so - called “ china threat “ that is hovering in some states 而西方、日本也曾大肆炮制宣傳過“中國威脅論” ,這種理論在一些國家至今仍陰魂不散。

The key should be as random a string as you can concoct , with numbers and uppercase and lowercase letters 你可以設置一個編造的隨機字符串作為你的鑰匙,最好包括數字、大寫字母、小寫字母。