
conclusive evidence [proof] 確證,真憑實據,結論性的證據。

conclusive presumption

A written statement signed by any of the bank s officers that the aforesaid power of sale or disposal has become exercisable shall be conclusive evidence of that fact in favour of any purchaser or other person to whom any secured assets may be transferred and the customer shall indemnify the bank against any claim which may be made against the bank by such purchaser or other person by reason of any defect in the customer s title to any secured assets 由本行任何行政人員簽署有關前述可行使出售或處置權之書面聲明將成為對該事實而有利于任何買方或獲轉讓任何有擔保資產者之確證。如客戶之任何有擔保資產之所有權有不妥善之處,客戶將對有擔保資產的買方或其他人士向本行提出之任何申索向本行作出彌償。

Where the agent , acting within the scope of authority granted by the principal , entered into a contract in its own name with a third person who was aware of the agency relationship between the principal and agent , the contract is directly binding upon the principal and such third person , except where there is conclusive evidence establishing that the contract is only binding upon the agent and such third person 第四百零二條受托人以自己的名義,在委托人的授權范圍內與第三人訂立的合同,第三人在訂立合同時知道受托人與委托人之間的代理關系的,該合同直接約束委托人和第三人,但有確切證據證明該合同只約束受托人和第三人的除外。

It is agreed between the parties that books and records kept digitally , on microfilm or otherwise by the bank shall constitute conclusive evidence of the customer s dealings with the bank unless the bank failed to exercise reasonable skill and care in respect of any such books and records , the contents of any such books and records resulted from the forgery or fraud of any employee , agent or servant of the bank or the contents of any such books and records resulted from the wilful default or negligence of the bank or any of its employees , agents or servants 雙方同意,本行以電子微縮膠片或其他方式保存之賬簿及記錄,將構成客戶與本行交易之確證,除非i本行未有就任何該等賬簿及記錄使用合理之技巧及采取謹慎態度, ii任何該等賬簿及記錄之內容乃因本行之任何雇員代理人或傭工之偽造或欺詐行為而作出的,或iii任何該等賬簿及記錄之內容乃因本行或其任何雇員代理人或傭工之故意失責或疏忽而作出的。

It refers to the system that the procuratorial organ considers the person capable of disposing whose behaviors have violated the regulations of civil law and have trespassed the great rights and interests of the country , the community and the civic should hold civil liability . after investigation , on the basis of clear facts and conclusive evidences the procuratorial organ prosecutes for the people ' s court to claim him take upon civil liability 檢察機關提起民事訴訟,俗稱“民事公訴” ,是指檢察機關認為民事行為人的行為違反了民事法律的規定,侵害了國家、集體和公民的重大權益,應當承擔民事責任,經查明事實清楚,證據確鑿之后,向人民法院起訴,要求其承擔民事責任的制度。

While modest warming has taken place , there is no conclusive evidence human beings are responsible , no conclusive evidence earth ' s temperature is rising dangerously or will reach intolerable levels and no conclusive evidence that warming will do more harm than good 氣候是出現了適度的暖化,但并不沒有結論性的證據表明和人類有關,也沒有結論性證據說明地球的(大氣)溫度升高得非常危險,或者說到了一種難于忍受的水平,更沒有結論性證據說明氣候暖化弊多于利(危害多于受益) 。

For all purposes hereof , including any legal proceedings , any records kept by the bank in respect of any account of the customer or a certificate by any of the bank s officers as to the sums and liabilities for the time being owing by the customer to the bank shall , in the absence of manifest error , be conclusive evidence thereof 對此等條件之各方面而言包括任何訴訟程序,有關客戶的任何賬戶的任何銀行記錄或由本行的職員所作出有關當時客戶拖欠本行的款項及債務之證明書,在沒有明顯錯誤之情況下,將屬確證。

At any meeting a declaration by the chairperson that a resolution has been carried , or carried by a particular majority , or lost , or not carried by a particular majority and an entry to that effect in the minute book of the council shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number of proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or against such resolution 第三十一條:在任何會議中,主席對某項議案已獲通過或被否決之宣布及本會對此議案之紀錄,將是最有力之證明,而無須證出反對或贊同此項決議的人數或比例。

Article 402 agent ' s act binding on principal ; exceptions where the agent , acting within the scope of authority granted by the principal , entered into a contract in its own name with a third person who was aware of the agency relationship between the principal and agent , the contract is directly binding upon the principal and such third person , except where there is conclusive evidence establishing that the contract is only binding upon the agent and such third person 第四百零二條受托人以自己的名義,在委托人的授權范圍內與第三人訂立的合同,第三人在訂立合同時知道受托人與委托人之間的代理關系的,該合同直接約束委托人和第三人,但有確切證據證明該合同只約束受托人和第三人的除外。

Most of the studies are either population - based ? for example , research shows that prostate cancer is less common in countries where people drink a lot of green tea ? or in lab dishes or animals , none of which provide conclusive evidence for humans 大多數研究是以人數的多少為判斷依據的-例如,研究表明前列腺癌在一些好飲茶國家里是不常見的?或在實驗室載片上或動物中,所有這些都未能為人類提供結論性的證據。

Here he finds conclusive evidence for the proposition that “ music is music . “ the science editor of such publications contents himself with straightforward reporting , usually news of the “ factual “ sciences ; books and articles not intended for popular consumption are not reviewed 這些出版品的科學主編,以平實報告,經常是新聞,或“實事“科學,滿足了他;不是準備要給大眾消費者看的書或文章,是不會被評論的

A certificate in writing signed by any manager or other duly authorised officer of the lender stating the amount at any particular time due and payable to the lender under this loan facility agreement shall be conclusive evidence against the borrower 由貸款人的經理或其他獲授權職員簽名,列明在特定時間在本貸款協議下應付予貸款人的金額的書面證明,應被視作針對借款人的終結證據。

We hereby agree to accept any claim or demand on you as conclusive evidence that you were liable to pay and any payment made pursuant to such demand which purports to be in accordance with the shipping guarantee as binding upon us 本公司茲同意于貴行接到該保證書之求償時,貴行即有履行該保證書下之付款責任,且貴行依該保證書所為之付款,對本公司有絕對之約束力。

The trouble is / / that part of the recent acceleration is due to the usual rebound that occurs at this point in a business cycle , and so is not conclusive evidence of a revival in the underlying trend 譯:問題在于,最近發生的經濟快速增長部分上是由于商業周期到了這個時候通常就會出現的反彈造成的,因而不應該被看作是經濟復蘇已經是潛在趨勢的一個結論性的證據。

The trouble is that part of the recent acceleration is due to the usual rebound that occurs at this point in a business cycle , and so is not conclusive evidence of a revival in the underlying trend 問題在于,近來發生的經濟快速增長部分上是由于商業周期到了這個時候通常就會出現的反彈造成的,因而不應被看作是經濟復蘇已經是潛在趨勢的一個結論性的證據。

Fears that rio ferdinand was the latest england star to fall victim to the curse of the metatarsal receded last night as a scan revealed “ no conclusive evidence “ of a fracture to the manchester united defender ' s toe 恐怕昨晚的費迪南德是最近英格蘭球星中又一位“跆骨咒念”的受害者,拍片結果表明,對于這位曼聯后衛的腳趾骨折“沒有確鑿的證據” 。

Where the buyer has conclusive evidence establishing that a third person may make a claim on the subject matter , it may withhold payment of the corresponding price , except where the seller has provided appropriate assurance 第一百五十二條買受人有確切證據證明第三人可能就標的物主張權利的,可以中止支付相應的價款,但出賣人提供適當擔保的除外。

The trouble is that part of the recent acceleration is due to the usual rebound that occurs at this point in a business cycle , and so is not conclusive evidence of a revival in the underlying trend 問題在于,近年發生的生產力快速增長部分是由于商業周期通常到了這時候就會出現的反彈造成的,因而它不是經濟復蘇已經是潛在趨勢的結論性證據。

The trouble is that part of the recent acceleration is due to the usual rebound that occurs at this point in a business cycle , and so is not conclusive evidence of a revival in the underlying trend 問題在于,近年發生的生產力快速增長部分是由于商業周期通常到了這時候就會出現的反彈造成的,因而它不是經濟復蘇潛在趨勢的結論性證據。

In a unique manner it has been sung in many ways by various sages , by the vedic hymns , by various aphorisms of vedanta with its sound logic and reasoning and by conclusive evidence 以其獨特的風格,在《呋陀》圣歌里,在以音律形式的邏輯推理,而得出結論性根據的各種《呋檀多》的格言里,它被各種各樣的圣賢們以各種方式所歌唱。