
conclusive adj.決定的,結論性的,確定性的;最后的,無爭論余地的...

conclusive evidence

The records of transaction on the account statement shall be conclusive and binding on the cardholder for all purposes 月結單所列載之交易應為確定的,并于任何情況下均對持卡人具約束力。

While the results were not conclusive , the health benefits still appear to be strong for green tea drinkers 盡管這一結果并非是結論性的,但喝綠茶的人群看起來確實得到了更多健康益處。

At present , the wsdl does not provide enough information to be a conclusive source for a system interface specification 目前, wsdl沒有提供足夠的信息作為系統接口規范的確鑿來源。

The whole paper consist of three parts : the introduction part , the body part and the conclusive part 引言部分,主要闡述了語文教育人本化、生活化、交際化的必要性和意義。

Astronomers say they have found the first conclusive evidence of water outside our own solar system 天文學家說,他們首次掌握了確鑿證據,證明太陽系之外有水的存在。

Repeated television replays suggested the ball hadn ' t crossed the line but were not 100 per cent conclusive 重播慢鏡頭顯示皮球并沒有越過門線,但這還未能蓋棺定論。

Shipment : the date of the bill of lading shall be accepted as a conclusive evidence of the date of shipment 付運:提貨單的日期須被承認為付運日期的確實證據。

The record of the club office shall be conclusive as to the receipt and validity of proxy forms 由大埔船會有限公司行政辦事處寄存的代表人委任書會以收據確實。

The record of the club office shall be conclusive as to the receipt of nomination forms 由大埔船會有限公司行政辦事處寄存的新委員會成員提名書會以收據確實。

The abdominal computed tomography , angiography and magnetic resonance imaging were not conclusive 藉超音波定位經皮穿肝切片,而證實為一罕見的膽道缺陷瘤。

A solitary precedent . which has never been reexamined , cannot be conclusive ( henry clay 唯一的先例…從來沒有重新審視過,不能起決定性的作用(亨利?克萊) 。

To be conclusive , i d like to say , you ve done a super - fine job with your display 卻不希望被愛困住別把未來以后想得太清楚是否與否簡單一點的舒服

The declaration of the directors as to the amount of the net profits of the company shall he conclusive 董事會根據公司利潤宣布的股息才是決定性的。

Don ' t accept your dog ' s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful 不要因為狗對你贊賞不已,就深信不疑的認為自己就是世界上最好的人。

The atomic bombing of hiroshima was considered as the conclusive event of world war 對廣島的原子彈轟炸被認為是第二次世界大戰中的決定性事件。

There is no conclusive theory about if technology decides policy or policy decides technology 技術決定制度亦或制度決定技術,至今還沒有定論。

In reality , simple statistics on casualties and incidents are not conclusive 事實上,對于死傷與意外事故的簡單統計數字,都不能夠驟下結論。

The accessory criminal could not but empty the bag in face of conclusive evidence 從犯在確鑿證據面前不得不把作案過程一一作了交代。

In the event of any dispute , our decision shall be final and conclusive . 7 倘若出現任何爭議,概以本公司的決定為最終定論。 7