
conclusion n.1.終結,結局,最后結果。2.結論;決定,斷定。3....


This led to the conclusion that the virus is attached to leukocytes . 這就引出結論,病毒是附著在白細胞上的。

He accumulated rapidly in support of the soundness of his conclusions . 他迅速積累了證據支持其結論的可靠性。

Sophistication wars with simplicity, with only one possible conclusion . 陰險和淳樸一交鋒,只能有一個結局。

Let's read between the lines and not jump to conclusions . 讓我們好好想想他究竟用意何在,不要草率下結論。

The conclusion must be homogeneous with the basic facts of the science . 結論必定會與科學的基本事實同一。

Such a displacement could have a significant bearing on conclusions . 這種位移對其結論會產生重大的影響。

Beyond that, any conclusions must be regarded as speculative . 除此之外,任何結論均只能看作是推理性的。

If you put two and two together , there can be only one conclusion . 根據事實推斷,只可能有一個結論。

“he has been hurt already,“ said the old gentleman in conclusion . “他已經受了傷,”老紳士臨了說。

No conclusion should be drawn before all the facts are buttoned down . 事實未明,不應該下任何結論。

Granted that this is true, what conclusion can you reach ? 即使這是實際情況,你又能得到什么結論呢?

He refuses to give the story a conventional conclusion . 他不愿把一個傳統的結尾套在他的故事上。

There is no greater mistake than the hasty conclusion . 最大的錯誤莫過于輕率地得出這樣的結論。

Do n't jump at a conclusion . 別急于下結論。

The outcome of this football game is a foregone conclusion . 這場足球賽,誰勝誰負已成定局。

He had no power of drawing any such accurate conclusions . 他沒有能力得出這種準確的結論來。

How he had arrived at this conclusion it is hard to say . 很難說他究竟怎么得出這個結論的。

Locke does not seem to have reached a clear-out conclusion . 洛克似乎沒有得出明確的結論。

This conclusion agrees with the views of strohmeier . 這一結論和Strohmeier的觀點相一致。