
conclude vt.1.結束,終止,使完畢。2.議定,締結(條約等)。...


We must conclude from the work of those who have studied the origin of life . 根據那些研究生命起源的人們所作的工作,我們必然得出這樣的結論。

In order to halt russian expansion, the british concluded an alliance with japan in 1902 . 不列顛為阻止俄國擴張,在1902年與日本結為同盟。

I've pretty much concluded to give up, and to follow a less bloody calling . 我決定不再干這買賣了,我得改改行,不再干這血淋淋的勾當了。

Observing signs of a renewal of the storm of protest, owen hurriedly concluded . 歐文注意到抗議的浪頭又要掀起來了,便匆匆結束自己的話。

Baker concluded the dinosaurs were warm-blooded because they ate so much . 鑒于恐龍的食量是如此之大,貝克的結論認為恐龍是熱血動物。

After the two weeks were up, we had concluded the first portion of our studies . 經過兩周的時間,我們結束了第一階段的研究工作。

From these observations we conclude that the moon has little or no atmosphere . 由這些觀察,我們確信月球很少或根本沒有大氣層。

He concluded with telling me that he had obtained a decree against his wife . 他最后告訴我,他已經得到和他妻子離婚的判決書。

“i would not like to think we were doing any man an injustice,“ he concluded . “我不愿意想到我們去冤枉任何人,”他結論道。

The researchers concluded that the fortification did not produce the increase . 研究人員得出結論,認為增添不能帶來這種增高。

It would be a mistake to conclude that unselfish concern has disappeared . 如果得出結論說無私的關懷已經不復存在,那就錯了。

They demanded an investigation of all agreements he concluded on the trip . 他們要求對他出訪期間所達成的全部協議進行調查。

Prince concluded that the needle was not the only means of transmission . 普林斯得出結論認為,針頭并非傳播疾病的唯一途徑。

Rosamond concluded that he had learned the value of her opinion . 羅沙蒙德因而得出結論,認為他終于懂得了她的意見的價值。

They concluded that american literature had been well-nigh throttled at birth . 他們斷言美國文學誕生之日便幾乎被扼殺了。

He had concluded that his beloved career was robbing him of his life . 他得出結論說,他所熱愛的事業正在奪走他的生命。

We would blunt the offensive and conclude the war on honorable terms . 我們將挫敗這個攻勢,而按體面的條件結束戰爭。

“and that's why i wanted you to come over, jeff,“ he concluded . “這就是我希望你來的緣故,杰夫,”他下結論說。

He concluded that history rather than the novels should be his field . 他斷定研究歷史比寫小說更適合他的才能。