
conclave n.1.秘密會議。2.【天主教】教皇選舉密議室;教皇選舉...


Oh , tis you , mrs durbeyfield - lard - how you frightened me ! i thought it might be some gaffer sent by government . mrs durbeyfield was welcomed with glances and nods by the remainder of the conclave , and turned to where her husband sat 臥室里其他的人望著德北菲爾德太太,向她點頭,對她表示歡迎,然后德北菲爾德太太就轉身向她丈夫坐的地方走去。

The party conclave late next year , known as the 17th congress , will be the first such gathering with mr hu in undisputed command ( insofar as anyone can tell in china ' s opaque political system ) 將在明年下半年舉行的被稱為第17次代表大會的黨的秘密會議是胡先生第一次無可置疑的指揮這種會議(在中國不透明的政治體制下目前只能這么說) 。

Their alter anchors a rainbow of tones generated by the mineral kingdom that now reaches over 1000 miles in radius , supporting the anchoring of space necessary to host events such as conclave 他們的圣壇錨定由礦石王國產生的音調彩虹,現在半徑已達致超過1000米,支持錨定舉行活動所需的空間,例如大師秘會。

For many , hawaii conclave will lead to a greater opening of the heart and the future possibility of creating community with one ' s fellow human ascending brothers and sisters 對許多人來說,夏威夷秘會將通向心更大的打開以及將來與跟隨著你的人類提升兄弟姐妹們創建團體的可能性。

This program requires six months in mastering unity within self study and attendance of one conclave and mastering unity within intensive prior to participation 這一項目在加入前,需要首先在掌握內在統一的自學項目中6個月,并參加過一次大會和掌握內在統一的強化班。

Masters conclave allows each affiliate of the spiritual school of ascension to take their spiritual initiations , make presentations and share their gifts and talents with those gathered 大師秘會允許提升之靈性學堂的每個成員作陳述,和與會者分享他們的能力與才賦。

If one has agreements to attend an event such as conclave , the intent for bounty shall alter the dream to provide for the funds required to accomplish the travel 如果你有協議來參加諸如秘會這樣的活動,意想贈禮,就將轉化夢想來提供完成旅行所需的資金。

We also look forward to the continued dance with those that join us at our masters conclave or group mastery program this year and in the decade ahead 我們也渴望和那些今年和未來十年將在“大師秘會”或“團體掌握項目”中加入我們行列的伙伴繼續共舞!

We also look forward to the continued dance with those that join us at our masters conclave or group mastery program this year and in the decade ahead 我們也渴望和那些今年和未來十年加入我們的“大師秘密會議”或“團體掌握項目”的朋友繼續共舞!

We also look forward to the continued dance with those that join us at our masters conclave or group mastery program this year and in the decade ahead 我們也渴望和那些今年及未來十年中加入我們的“大師秘會”或“團體掌握項目”的伙伴繼續共舞!

One manner to do so is to contribute at such events as conclave to assist with the human karma requiring releasing in order for earth to continue to ascend 這么做的一個方式就是參加如秘會活動,為了讓地球繼續提升來協助人類業力所需的釋放。

Masters conclave allows each affiliate of the spiritual school of ascension to make presentations and share their gifts and talents with those gathered 大師秘密會議允許提升之靈性學堂的每個成員作陳述,和與會者分享他們的能力與天分。

Only as the many pull together as one can global human karmic release occur , and this is the purpose for which conclave is orchestrated 只有當很多人團結成一體時,全球人類業力的釋放才有可能發生,這正是秘會被安排的目的。

It is through the act of synthesis that our channels are holding space at their annual conclave for releasing all human karma for warfare 正是透過合成練習,我們的通靈管道在年度秘會上維系空間來釋放人類戰爭的所有業力。

We hope that many more shall join us in jasper for our conclave events and create magical experiences for oneself with nature 我們希望有更多人加入我們嘉士伯的大會活動,并為自己創造出奇妙的大自然經歷!

At a second conclave , in february in ankara , they set up a brisk work programme and asked others to join 今年2月在安卡拉舉行的第二次會議上,他們提出了一份令人振奮的工作計劃,并邀請其它國家加入。

And next year there will be an important quinquennial party conclave , followed by the olympic games in beijing in 2008 明年將會有一次重要的五年一次的黨的秘密會議,緊接著就是2008年北京奧運會。

Protoss 7 : “ homeland “ | | - destroy the heart of the conclave . | | - fenix , zeratul and tassadar must survive . - 神族7 : “重返家園“ | | -摧毀最高議會的總部. | | -費尼克斯,澤拉托,塔薩達不能死亡

The spiritual school of ascension produces two larger four - day events per year called “ masters conclave “ 提升之靈性學堂每年提供2個更大型的四天活動叫做“大師秘密會議” 。