
concision n.1.簡潔,簡明。2.〔廢語〕切斷;切分;切除。


Language serves the tool for perception , and thus mathematic language performs the function of a special language in high school mathematics teaching . it differs from natural language in that the adoption of symbol language is characterized of concision and abstractness in the approach , and consequently presents language difficulties to students 語言是思維的工具,數學語言是中學數學學科特有的語言,它不同于自然語言,使用符號是其主要特征,具有簡潔、抽象等特點,為此給學生學習數學帶來語言上的困難。

He put forward “ literary form revolution “ , and put forward the reforms of the literary form of the journals , and made the new form of literary with the features of concision and unobstructed and abounding emotion an intermediate transition between chinese classical literatures to the modem writings 梁啟超在辦報業務上有一種精益求精的執著,提出了一系列的改進報刊編輯工作的要求。他提出“文界革命” ,提出報章文體的改革,其簡明、通暢、富于感情的新文體成為文言向近代白話文過渡的中間環節。

Science orientation , leading technology , pragmatic development and quality first are the business tent of the company . gone through 15 years development , the company has developed eight different series and over 30 varieties of product models including straight - line double edge serial , straight - line single edge maching serial , straight - line single round - edge maching serial , auto manual shape bevellers series , automatically vertical and horizontal drilling maching serial and cleaning maching serial etc . the company is also able to design production line for customer , and be able to evaluate , design and building processing workshop for customer . innovation gets rid of stale products and brings forth new products , occupying the leading position in international market and domestic market with their good and perfect service . the company has passed the cetification of iso9001 : 2000 and ce authentiaction . practice strictly quality control in product production , product design seedks after concisions and reliability easy for operation and maintenance with reasonable price performance ratio for complete set fo machinge and cost effective for customer in prophase investment and post - phase investment , and become the advocator for economization , “ man - machinge communication , unrestrained and far - ranging “ suntech machinery company has provided broad space for customer to purchase equipment 億海機械制造有限公司原新海岸創立于1991年,占地6萬平方米,現有員工五百人,是一家專業生產玻璃深加工設備的企業,集技術開發規模生產,售前售后的技術培圳于一體。 “科技導向技術領先務實發展質量第一” ,是億海公司的經營宗旨。經過十五年的發展,現在八大系列,三十多種機型的產品,包括直線雙邊機系列,直線雙圓邊機系列,斜邊機系列,直線單邊機系列,直線單圓邊機系列,自動立式臥式鉆孔機系列,清洗機系列等,公司還具備為客戶設計生產連線,為客戶評估設計購建加工車間等。

In the test , the test parameters have nothing to do with students “ quality , the final mark also be free with test items . the classical test fixs in with speculate habits , but is impacted on test items . because of the computer adaptive test ' s techology is very complex and test items work is too hard , point blank and concision are n ' t same as the classical test , it ca n ' t carry forward as that one hi this paper , compare two kinds of test to seek the best way to measure students quality subjectively and analys after examation . based 本文結合作者開發武漢化工學院計算機基礎課的考試系統中的思考,綜合這兩種考試方法的長處,提出一種符合當前高校現狀的計算機輔助考試系統。考試存在兩種模式:一種為傳統類型,即從試題中抽出考題,采用統一試卷對學生進行測試。另一種則為計算機自適應考試。

Builded on windows 98 , the whole system is developed with vc6 . 0 + + , and using access database for managing input and output of data , thus not only taking advantage of convenient and efficiencies of software exploited in windows environment , but also making most use of virtues of concision and efficiencies and mightiness of c + + language 系統是在windows98平臺上采用vc + +與access數據庫實現的,即利用了在windows環境下開發軟件的便捷性與高效性,又充分發揮了c + +語言的簡潔高效、功能強大的優點。程序中用到數據庫編程語言sql對數據庫進行操作。

Among all the skills , the following constitute a special attractive style in xiao hong ' s novel , which are a demonstration of xiao hong ' s discovery and development in her novel language as well , such as , complicated narration “ against with concision “ , “ contrary narration of implication instead of superficial semantics , intended a “ aberrational “ organization of sentences , circumbendibus of meanings and flavors with artful organization of sounds and rhythms , and etc 其中,與簡潔“背道而馳”的繁復敘述,以內在含義扭轉表層語義的“悖反敘述” ,有意“越軌”的句子組合方式,以及巧借聲韻的婉約傳達意味與情趣等特點,構成了蕭紅后期小說文體的獨特魅力,也顯示了蕭紅在小說語言藝術上的探索與變化。

First this thesis introduces the process of the creation and development of maths of beauty and also its concept and significance . it further makes some research into the effects maths of beauty has on teaching . next , this thesis presents four common forms of maths of beauty concision : symmetry , unity and oddity and them gives personnal viewpoints of how to make use of the above features in teaching , regarding personal teaching experience . finally this thesis , from the viewpoint of maths aesthetic construction , does some research on the function of maths aesthetic teaching and on the way to cultivate and improve the students ' aesthetic judgement 本文首先介紹了數學美的產生和發展過程以及數學美的概念,并對數學美在教學中的作用進行了一些研究,其次闡述了數學美的四種形式:簡潔性、對稱性、統一性、奇異性,并根據自己的教學實踐,對數學教學中如何應用數學美的這些特征組織教學發表了自己的見解,最后從數學審美結構的分析出發,對如何培養和提高學生的數學審美能力進行了一定的研究。

With the advanced technical equipments made in domestic and aboad , andcollected the fashion infomation extensively . communicate with clients timely , together with our earnest and strict working sprirts , we have designed many kinds of our bestboy products featuring leisure , concision , comfort and practisality , independence and creativity 企業積極引進國內外先進的技術設備,豐富廣泛的流行信息源,百仕博人認真嚴謹的態度及良好的團隊合作精神,與銷售商消費者形成良好的信息反饋鏈,精心設計出“休閑、簡潔、舒適實用、個性、充滿獨創精神”的百仕博產品。

With the development of web , xml grows up to be hotspot that the research institutions and enterprises pursue and has been a general language used in web data , which has the characteristic of structure , formalization , expansibility and concision . meanwhile , the characteristic of this language ' s working on different platform permits that the developers can congregate and combine the data from all the usable resources and make them more valuable 隨著internet的迅速發展, xml異軍崛起,經過幾年的發展,已成為科研機構和商家追捧的熱點, xml可擴展性語言已經成為web數據使用的通用語言,它具有結構化、規范化、可擴展性和簡潔的特點,其跨平臺的特性可以允許開發人員聚集和組合各種來源的數據,并使它們更富有價值。

In the course of scattering with the same energy , the excited probabilities of lower exciting states are far off bigger than ones of higher exciting states . all in all , the adapted ms potential has advantages of concision form , less adjustable parameters , convenient for applicant 當體系能量一定時,不管是微分散射截面還是分波散射截面,彈性散射的幾率大,對總的散射截面貢獻最大;非彈性散射的幾率小,對總的散射截面的貢獻也小。

Study indicates that adapted ms potential surface is a kind of potential with concision form , coherent expression that can describe exactly the characteristic of system interaction . non - elastic scattering sections are sensitive to orientation of potential and strength of repulsive potential 最后的結論是:改進后的ms勢能模型是一種形式比較簡便、表達函數高度統一、能準確地描述系統的相互作用特征的勢能形式。

The establishment of index system for performance evaluation of science and technology plan projects should follow the principles of objectivity , unity of systematicity and multi - levels , concision , scientificity , multi - type and feasibility 建立科技計劃項目績效評價指標體系應遵循客觀性原則、系統性與層次性統一原則、簡明科學性原則、多類型多層次設置原則和可操作性原則。

Embedded system speeds up the design process of industry , and reduces exploration cost and risk . it features simple operation , flexible expansibility , high - efficiency and concision . it can be simple used in industry field 嵌入式系統加快了工業設計進程,降低了開發成本及其風險,使用簡便,擴展靈活,高效精簡,可方便應用于各工業領域。

This “ method of construction “ ( realized through the method of completing square ) is far conciser than my classification method and i feel pleasantly surprised at the beauty of concision from the standard solution 這個“構造法“ (通過配方法實現) ,比我采用的分類處理法不知要簡潔多少倍,標準解答所散發的簡潔美令我感到驚喜。

This algorithm can discovery the relationship of the events and can discover more knowledge and the cost is more cheap than other algorithm , the algorithm is concision , frank , it take only ( o ( n3 ) ) time 該算法與其它算法比較,發現的知識更豐富,時空開銷小,時間復雜度為( o ( n ~ 3 ) ) ,算法直觀,簡潔。

This structure has the both virtue of common dome and cable dome - its concision , its high capacity and its easiness in construction , and so is a potential new type of spatial structure 這種結構兼有普通網殼及索穹頂結構的優點,具有結構簡潔明快、承載力高、施工簡便等特點,是一種極有潛力的新型空間結構。

Currently , most work has been put on numerical value analyzing and theoretical research , which has the character of concision results and easily being digitalized 到目前為止,大部分工作是針對結構振動特性的數值分析和理論研究,結果簡潔,易于量化。

As a new domain in the computer application , embedded real - time operation system is widely concerned by its concision and efficiency 嵌入式實時系統作為計算機應用的一個嶄新領域,以其簡潔、高效等特點越來越多地受到人們的廣泛關注。

Next , the control mode of on - line measurement is devised for the purpose of on - line measurement in a vacuum interrupter and the concision utility 其次,從真空滅弧室真空度在線檢測的目的和簡潔實用出發,設計在線檢測的控制方式。