
concise adj.簡潔的,簡明扼要的。 Talks and art...


He gave a concise report of the meeting 他對會議作了簡明扼要的報道

A concise analysis on the theory of nature by zhang zai 試論張載人性論的理論建構及其成性之路

A concise evaluation of some low - end digital single lens reflex cameras 低端數碼單反相機簡評

Is the copy clean and concise 網站中出現的復本能夠讓人一目了然嗎?

Using this strategy , file processing is much more concise 使用該策略,文件處理會更加簡潔。

Communicate ideas in a clear , concise and objective manner 能夠清楚簡要及客觀地表達意見。

The described algorithm is concise , clear and simple 提出了概念明確、清晰簡單的辨識算法。

The thais in vietnam : a concise review of their history and culture 越南泰族歷史與文化述略

Concise approach for solving double sine - gordon equation 方程的簡潔解法

Is my thesis statement concise and clear 我的論題陳述是簡潔而清楚的嗎

Shows a concise view of the spec , focusing only on the 展示了該規范的簡明視圖,僅集中于

His letter was concise , omitting everything not pertinent to the job 他的信寫得簡明扼要

A concise review of modern library science schools 現代圖書館學流派述略

Our answer was pretty profound and concise 你們就有福了。你們有福了。

Concise discussion on liang qichao ' s constitutional government idea 梁啟超憲政思想論略

A concise , clever , often paradoxical statement 雋語一個簡明,機智,常常似是而非的陳述

A concise and readable ebnf - style wrapper 一種簡明易讀的ebnf樣式的封裝器

Check your spelling , be concise , and keep messages short 檢查你的拼寫,盡量簡明扼要。

Shows error events in a single , concise display 在單一簡明的顯示屏中顯示誤差事件。