
conciliatory adj.安撫的,說服的,和解的; 調解的。


Since they had realized that they must understand , respect and adapt to confucianism and the chinese culture in order to successfully spread christianity , the western missionaries raised the propagating strategy of “ confucian plus jesus “ and re - explained confucianism from a conciliatory perspective harmonized with christianity 摘要西方傳教士認識到要成功地推進基督教的傳播,必須理解、尊重與適應中國文化,對基督教作出適應儒學、適應中國文化的必要的變通與調適,故提出了“孔子加耶穌”的傳教策略,并從調和、會通基儒關系的角度對儒學進行論釋。

Rooney says he and ronaldo will have no problem training together at united next season and he claims that , while he was angry with ronaldo for encouraging the referee to punish him , he had calmed down enough after the game to send a conciliatory text message to his united team - mate 魯尼說他不介意和羅納爾多下個賽季在曼聯一起訓練,并且他宣稱雖然當羅納爾多鼓勵裁判處罰他時他很生氣,但在比賽結束后他平靜下來并給他的曼聯隊友發出了和解的短信。

The conciliatory tone from danone comes as executives have become increasingly worried that even if they win an international arbitration process about the case , they will not be able to enforce the ruling in china because of parallel judgments in chinese courts 達能的語氣趨于緩和,是因為該公司高管越來越擔心,即便他們的案件在國際仲裁中獲勝,中國法院的平行裁決還是會讓仲裁結果無法在中國執行。

We can hardly resist the temptation to believe that this is another trick intended to divert our attention from the main point , and is designed to make the probable abandonment of this newly introduced absurdity appear to be a conciliatory gesture of concession 這只能叫人相信又是一個陰謀,來轉移爭論的焦點,目的是最后以放棄這個新附點而神不知鬼不覺地通過禁制機制?

But the harsh words of the father in a drunken moment of excessive ancestral pride cause a dignified departure with the conciliatory donation of half her means of subsistence and the intimation that she is rejoining her husband 但父親在一次酒后的刺耳話語中說了一些有關家世過分驕矜的話,使苔絲傲然離開了家。她把自己一半的生活費留給父母,并告訴他們她要去找丈夫團聚。

And while the tighter sanctions have not put the iranian president in a conciliatory mood - at least so far - burns says the measures may yet have the desired effect on others who could influence the direction tehran is taking 雖然更嚴厲的制裁措施沒能使伊朗總統有妥協的意向? ?至少到現在為止是這樣,但伯恩斯說這些措施對其他可能影響伊朗政策走向的人們也許有作用。

And while the tighter sanctions have not put the iranian president in a conciliatory mood - at least so far - burns says the measures may yet have the desired effect on others who could influence the direction tehran is taking 至少目前來看,嚴厲的制裁并沒有令伊朗總統態度有所緩和,但伯恩斯稱這些措施可能會對那些左右德黑蘭正在采取的路線的人產生預期的影響。

And while the tighter sanctions have not put the iranian president in a conciliatory mood - at least so far - burns says the measures may yet have the desired effect on others who could influence the direction tehran is taking 然而,至少目前來說,更嚴厲的制裁沒有讓伊朗總統心情變得輕松,伯恩斯談到從其他影響伊朗政府政策方向的國家身上仍可能看到滿意的效果。

And while the tighter sanctions have not put the iranian president in a conciliatory mood - at least so far - burns says the measures may yet have the desired effect on others who could influence the direction tehran is taking 然而,更為嚴厲的制裁并沒有讓伊朗總統感到困擾,至少現在還沒有.伯恩斯認為這種措施可以有效地影響伊朗現行的“路線“ ,并達到預想的效果

Quickening chengdu ' s urbanization , realizing the conciliatory of rural and urban , and solving the problems of agriculture , villages and peasant , all of them need the development of small rural towns in chengdu 提高成都市城鎮化水平、實現成都市城鄉一體化、解決“三農”問題都需要小城鎮的發展。第二部份主要分析了成都市小城鎮建設的現狀與發展模式。

And while the tighter sanctions have not put the iranian president in a conciliatory mood - at least so far - burns says the measures may yet have the desired effect on others who could influence the direction tehran is taking 然而嚴格的制裁并沒有讓伊朗總統心軟,至少現在是這樣的.伯恩斯說:制裁舉措可能會對那些影響德黑蘭政治路線的人們產生可觀的影響

And while the tighter sanctions have not put the iranian president in a conciliatory mood - at least so far - burns says the measures may yet have the desired effect on others who could influence the direction tehran is taking 至少到目前為止,更加嚴厲的制裁并沒有使伊朗總統妥協,伯恩說,這項措施可能對能夠影響伊朗政策的其它國家產生預期的作用。

And while the tighter sanctions have not put the iranian president in a conciliatory mood - at least so far - burns says the measures may yet have the desired effect on others who could influence the direction tehran is taking 更嚴厲的制裁并沒有是伊朗總統采取緩和態度,至少目前為止,波恩斯說該措施應該會對能影響德黑蘭進程的部分人產生預期效果。

But while the president has issued several conciliatory statements calling for unity in the new government , opposition leaders and even members of his own party predict a coming political clash 但是,就在穆沙拉夫發表呼吁新政府內謀求團結的和解性聲明的同時,反對派的領導人預測政治沖突即將到來,甚至穆沙拉夫本人所屬的黨派的成員也做出這樣的預測。

And while the tighter sanctions have not put the iranian president in conciliatory mood - at least so far - burns says the measures may yet have the desiredeffect on others who could influence the direction tehran is taking 雖然更強硬的制裁還沒有讓伊朗總統態度軟化,至少目前如此, b稱制裁措施可能對其他德黑蘭決策方向有影響的人有很好的效果

In the circle of ellen , of rumyantsev , the french circle , the reports of the enemys cruelty and barbarous methods of warfare were discredited ; and all sorts of conciliatory efforts on the part of napoleon were discussed 在海倫的圈子內,即魯緬采夫派和法國派的圈子內,關于戰爭和敵人殘酷的傳聞受到駁斥,拿破侖求和的各種嘗試被加以討論。

And while the tighter sanctions have not put the iranian president in a conciliatory mood - at least so far - burns says the measures may yet have the desired effect on others who could influence the direction tehran is taking 雖然更加嚴厲的制裁沒能使伊朗總統妥協,到目前為止至少? ?彭斯稱這些制裁措施也許仍對左右德黑蘭政策的人奏效。

Furthermore , it concludes that iran ' s conciliatory attitude stemmed from its drastic decline in military position during the war , as well as its fullest consideration of national survival 本文之研究結論顯示,伊朗最后采取接受該停火決議之妥協立場,主要是其在戰場上之相對軍力巨幅下滑,及國家生存面臨危機所致。

Lakers insiders - - oops , sorry kobe - - say buss called bryant to assure him he hadn ' t meant to suggest any change in policy , but that kobe was less than conciliatory 湖人的內部人員爆料說巴斯曾打電話給科比向他保證說他并不是想暗示說在球隊的方針政策上有什么變動,這讓人驚訝。但是科比似乎并沒有被安撫的跡象。