
conciliator n.安撫者,說服者;調停者,和解者。


By the ways of setting up community reception day , developing and training a lot of social volunteers keen in public welfare into liaisons for complaints and reports and conciliators for consumption disputes , the points of consumer complaints advocate green consumption raise the sense of self - protection of the consumers ' of all walks , carry out grassroot law popularization and legal promotion , introduce famous and top quality commodities , support the development of the enterprises in communities , make it aims to raise the people ' s sense of protecting consumers ' rights legally and to purify market environment in the communities , serve the civilized construction of communities in the city and economic construction in the communities , to reflect the nature of the people and broadness to the utmost , to focus on settlement of the people ' s actual problems , face the people and bring benefits to them , meet their need for raise living and spiritual quality , endeavor to create new situation for economic and civilization in the communities and villages and towns 通過建立社區接待日、發展和培訓一批熱心公益事業的社會志愿者為投訴舉報聯絡員、消費糾紛調解員等方式,倡導綠色消費,提高各階層廣大消費者的自我保護意識,開展基層普法工作和消費宣傳,引進名優產品,扶持社區企業的發展,以提高廣大群眾依法維權、凈化社區市場環境為目標,服務于城市社區精神文明建設和社區經濟建設,最大限度地體現其群眾性、廣泛性,把工作的著眼點放在為群眾解決實際問題上,面向群眾、造福群眾,滿足他們提高生活質量和精神文化的需要,努力開創社區、村鎮經濟建設和精神文明建設的新局面。

Some of the lawyers also have appointments in china international economic and trade arbitration commission , the arbitration commission of some cities in the province of jiangsu and nanjingconciliationcenter under ccpit to act as arbitrators or conciliators 部分律師還受聘于中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會、省內部分城市仲裁委員會和中國貿仲會江蘇暨南京調解中心擔任仲裁員、調解員。