
conciliation n.1.安撫,勸慰;說服。2.調停,調解;妥協。3.迎合...


Legislative perfection regarding china ' s bankruptcy conciliation amp; amp; rectification system 我國破產和解與整頓制度的立法完善

The dispute in the engineering industry is being dealt with by a conciliation board 機械制造業的糾紛正由一個調解委員會處理。

Mahmoud zahar , more of a hardliner within hamas , has called for conciliation too 哈馬斯中比哈尼亞還強硬的扎哈爾也要求和解。

Chapter iv conciliation 第四章和解

Offers conciliation service to the parties concerned to facilitate an amicable settlement 會從中調解,協助各方達成協議。

Conciliation and compromise are to get a chance , while flamboyance is out 激進主義開始勢微,拆衷和安撫主義開始抬頭。

Legislative and judicial conciliation of legal liability of the securities market 論證券市場法律責任的立法和司法協調

A conciliation statement shall have the same legal force as that of an award 調解書與裁決書具有同等法律效力。

On criminal conciliation systems 刑事和解制度簡論

4 reach a conciliation agreement 四通過和解協議

A wise policy of “ conciliation “ was pursued towards the conquered state 被征服國家被施以明智的“懷柔政策。 ”

Some words to the new century : hegemony ' s end and interethno - national conciliations 霸權的終結與民族的和解

No . it ' s more like a . conciliation 不,這應該算是安慰

Section 2 conclusion of conciliation 第二節和解的成立

Section 1 application for conciliation 第一節和解申請

On modern court conciliation system 論現代法院調解制度

Last effort : struggle and conciliation of china and soviet union in early 1960s 1960年代中蘇關系研究之一

Conciliation can be done in person , in writing , or over the telephone 調解可透過面對面書面或電話進行。

No . it ' s more like a . . . conciliation 不,這應該算是安慰