
conciliate vt.1.安撫,撫慰,勸慰;說服(反對者)。2.贏得(支...


In comparison with frameworks of separation system , its legal status in divorce system and its legal consequences in other countries , selecting their essential ; in combination of the reality of legal nexus of marriage and family in china , drawing on academic achievement of domestic study , this paper firstly aims to propose a separation system with chinese characteristics ; to improve the kindred part of civil law , which is about to decree ; to solve the problem that related law and rules are difficult to operate , which results from deficiency of legislation . secondly , it is to effectively perform a supplementary function to conciliate legal relationship of divorce ; to punish illegal and criminal act , rape of spouse and abandoning spouse for instances , in accordance with law ; to protect legal rights of parties of marriage and finally to achieve the judicial theme of “ justice and efficacy “ 比較各國設立別居制度的模式及其在離婚制度中的法律地位、法律后果,取其精華,結合我國婚姻家庭關系的實際情況,汲取國內的理論成果,架構中國特色的別居制度,完善我國即將頒布的民法典親屬編;解決因立法欠缺造成的操作難,充分發揮其調解離婚法律關系的輔助作用;依法懲處婚內強奸、夫妻遺棄等違法、犯罪行為,保護婚姻當事人的合法權益,推進“公正與效率”司法主題的實現。

Morcerf was so completely overwhelmed by this great and unexpected calamity that he could scarcely stammer a few words as he looked around on the assembly . this timidity , which might proceed from the astonishment of innocence as well as the shame of guilt , conciliated some in his favor ; for men who are truly generous are always ready to compassionate when the misfortune of their enemy surpasses the limits of their hatred 這個意想不到的橫禍是這樣的打倒了馬爾塞夫,以致當他帶著一種迷惑不解的表情環顧全場的時候,他簡直說不出一句話來,這種膽怯的表情既可以看做是無辜者過分受驚,也可以說是自愧有罪者的表現,這種態度為他贏得了一部分同情,因為真正寬厚仁義的人當見到他們敵人的不幸超過他們仇恨的范圍時,總是會發生同情的。

The actual circumstance that this text exactly from the petroleum process enterprise set outs , and apply the basic principle of technique economy analysis , we studied the address choice of the petroleum process enterprise ; superior economic scale ; superior crude oil settle choice problem ; superior oil conciliate project and oil refining enterprise of synthesized problem and bring up the solution scheme and established a series of models and gaved a series of solid examples 本文正是從石油加工企業的實際情況出發,應用技術經濟分析的基本原理,就石油加工企業的最優廠址選擇問題、最優經濟規模的確定問題、最優原油加工方案的選擇問題、最優油品調合方案的確定問題以及煉油企業的綜合規劃問題等五個方面進行了深入細致的研究,提出了一整套相應的解決辦法和建立了一整套相應的模型并給出了一整套相應的應用實例。

The conciliating creditors rights not declared according to this law shall not be exercised during the execution of conciliation agreement . after the execution of conciliation agreement completes , they can be exercised according to conditions for liquidation provided in conciliation agreement 沒有依照本法規定申報的和解債權,在和解協議執行期間不得行使在和解協議執行完畢后,可以按照和解協議規定的清償條件行使權利。

Article 45 if both parties have a desire for conciliation or one party so desires and the other party agrees to it when consulted by the arbitration tribunal , the arbitration tribunal may conciliate the case under its cognizance in the process of arbitration 第四十五條如果雙方當事人有調解愿望,或一方當事人有調解愿望并經仲裁庭征得另一方當事人同意的,仲裁庭可以在仲裁程序進行過程中對其審理的案件進行調解。

The obligatory rights provided in the proceeding paragraph is called conciliated obligatory rights when conciliation is reached , restructure obligatory rights when the procedure of restructure is applied and bankrupt obligatory rights after the declaration of bankruptcy 前款規定的債權,在和解成立時稱為和解債權,在適用重整程序時稱為重整債權,在破產宣告后稱為破產債權。

Article 47 the arbitration tribunal shall terminate conciliation and continue the arbitration proceedings when one of the parties requests a termination of conciliation or when the arbitration tribunal believes that further efforts to conciliate will be futile 第四十七條仲裁庭在進行調解的過程中,任何一方當事人提出終止調解或仲裁庭認為已無調解成功的可能時,應停止調解。

If the complaint can t be conciliated , and is not discontinued for other reasons provided for in the law , then the commission will present a report to federal parliament outlining the key issues and recommendations to resolve the complaint 若投訴無法獲得調解,而且不是因為其他法律原因而停止者,委員會將提供聯邦國會一份報告,摘要說明主要議題與解決此投訴的建議。

Article 66 where the draft agreement of conciliation fails in the creditors conference , it shall be deemed as that the creditors conference refuses to conciliate . the peoples court shall make a decision declaring the debtor bankrupt 第六十六條和解協議草案經債權人會議討論沒有通過的,視為債權人會議拒絕和解,人民法院應當裁定宣告債務人破產。

They visit regularly workplaces where apprentices are employed to ensure that training schemes are properly implemented , they also assess progress of apprentices , and when necessary , conciliate in disputes arising out of registered contracts 向雇主提供意見及協助;并定期評估注冊學徒的進度,確保學徒獲得適當的訓練。當有需要時,

Supply chain management is to conciliate and to control the logistics , the information flow and the capital flow amongst supply chain member for decreasing the cost and increasing the profit and improving the service level 供應鏈管理就是要協調與控制供應鏈成員間的物流、信息流和資金流,實現降低成本,提高利潤和服務水平的目標。

Article 77 where the debtor fails or is unable to pay off debts according to conditions provided in the conciliation agreement , the conciliating creditor may apply to the peoples court for declaring the debtor bankrupt 第七十七條債務人不按或不能按和解協議規定的條件清償債務的,和解債權人可以請求人民法院宣告債務人破產。

Article 73 the debtor shall not , in violation of conditions set forth in conciliation agreement , award extra interests to individual creditors while harming interests of other conciliating creditors 第七十三條債務人不得違反和解協議規定的條件給予個別和解債權人以額外利益而損害其他和解債權人的利益。

But let us suppose that so - called science has the power of conciliating all contradictions , and has an invariable standard of good and bad by which to try historical personages and events 可是,我們假定所謂科學有調和一切矛盾的可能性,它也有衡量歷史人物和歷史事件好壞永不改變的尺度。

Article 76 where the debtor fails to pay off debts according to conditions provided in the conciliation agreement , the conciliating creditor may apply to the peoples court for enforcement 第七十六條債務人不按和解協議規定的條件清償債務的,和解債權人可以申請人民法院強制執行。

The conciliating creditors provided in the proceeding paragraph refer to those who enjoy obligatory rights to the debtor before the acceptance of the bankruptcy case by the peoples court 前款規定的和解債權人,是指在人民法院受理破產案件前對債務人享有債權的人。

Elizabeth disdained the appearance of noticing this civil reflection , but its meaning did not escape , nor was it likely to conciliate , her 伊麗莎白聽了他這篇文雅的調整詞令,表面上并不愿意顯出很注意的樣子。這番話的用意她當然明白,可是再也平息不了她的氣憤。

The “ beauty cartoon ” , “ blue cat - dinosaur time ” , “ magic eye ” and so on cartoons conciliated consistent high praise in the industry 值此俄羅斯文化交流年,公司首次在我國發行《俄羅斯動畫大師作品集》系列動畫片,作為了解俄羅斯文化的一個窗口,深受大家喜愛。

Article 72 rights enjoyed by conciliating creditors to the guarantor of the debtor and other joint debtors will not be affected by the conciliation agreement 第七十二條和解債權人對于債務人的保證人和其他連帶債務人所享有的權利,不因和解協議的成立而受影響。