
concierge n.〔法語〕1.門房,門警。2.(公寓等的)管理員。3....


The american express peninsula concierge service is here to assist you , whatever your needs , 24 hours a day , 365 days a year 全日24小時,一年365日,美國運通半島禮賓服務就是為了滿足您不同的需要而設。

Our concierge also provides information and services for car hire , email , express , medicine help , and baggage service 禮賓服務:可為客人提供出租車、郵件快遞、醫療就診協助、差使、行李等服務。

To study and evaluate the operation and procedure of the concierge department , and suggest improvements to the front office manager 評價本部門的運作程序,向前廳部經理提出合理化建議。

One example is what americans call concierge services - - domestic help , childcare , gardening and decorating 美國人所謂的家政服務做家務,帶孩子,修剪花木,居家裝飾即為一例。

Simply ask your hotel concierge to subscribe to the rci cyberjournal and to print you up a copy each morning 只要請旅館的管理者訂閱加廣的網上雜志,并且每天早上為您打印出一份即可。

Surface is debuting as a virtual concierge in hotels , but gates hopes it will soon be used in retail stores 這個界面就如同酒店門口的門衛一樣,但是蓋茨希望該產品不久可以開始零售。

To supervise all concierge services by making sure that these services are available and carried out with the utmost efficiency 監督本部門所有對客服務的運行要發揮最大的功效。

Every morning , the chief concierge will review all limousine bookings for next day for arranging drivers ' duty roaster 每天早上,禮賓部主管檢查第二天訂車單來安排司機的排班表

10 01 2004 urban group provides premier concierge services to grenville house and queen s terrace 10 01 2004富城集團管理港島兩大豪宅嘉慧園及帝后華庭率先推行禮賓司服務

Focus training in front office including reception desk , concierge , club floor , business center . . 前堂部訓練計劃,包括前? 、禮賓部、行政樓層及商務中心

Focus training in front office including reception desk , concierge , club floor and business center 前堂部訓練計劃,包括前? 、禮賓部、行政樓層及商務中心

It was wendy the concierge ' s fareweii bash and a very good party if i say so myseif 那只是酒店看門人wendy的退休晚會!不過平心而論晚會還是不錯的。

After we launch our concierge services , it has been well received by our customers . 富城集團的禮賓司服務自推出后,不斷令顧客有出乎意料之驚喜。

If jogging is your thing , many hotel concierges will direct you to a trail nearby 若你喜愛緩步跑,酒店的禮賓部定會樂意向你介紹附近的緩跑徑。

Contact your hotel concierge for more information about car hire companies or booking assistance 如需更多有關資料,請聯絡酒店禮賓部。

A limousine service is also available - please check with the concierge for details 酒店亦設有豪華轎車服務,詳情請向酒店禮賓部查詢。

Please reserve your seat and purchase ticket at the concierge prior to the departure time 如欲乘坐穿梭巴士,請先到禮賓部購票留座。

Limousine on hire service is available through advance reservation with our concierge desk 禮賓部亦可代安排豪華轎車接送服務。

Sir , i am the concierge 先生我是管事