
concha n.(pl. -chae )1.【解剖學】外耳,耳殼;(...


The anterior face of the middle turbinate is incised and the concha bullosa identified . it is then sectioned vertically with straight scissors up to its posterior limit . the lateral portion is then removed , opening the region of the middle meatus 從中鼻甲的前面切入后識別并用直剪垂直分開泡性鼻甲至其后界,接著移去泡性鼻甲的側面,暴露中鼻道,此時可以即可顯示竇口鼻道復合體的結構。

The rumors prompted a magazine then published by the catholic archdiocese of mexico city , nuevo criterio , to urge fox to reunite with his former wife , lillian de la concha , whom he divorced in 1991 after a 20 - year marriage 墨西哥城天主教的一份雜志甚至要求福克斯同已經離異的妻子努沃-克瑞特里奧再度結合。兩人在結婚20年后于1991年離婚。本文來自news . jewelove . net

Conclusion this result shows that that the pinna and concha have almost no effect no sound localization in horizontal plane , which means spectral characteristic does not possihly dominate in horizorntal plane 結論實驗表明耳廓和外耳道對水平方向的聲音定位幾乎無影響,也就是說在水平方向上的聲音定位,耳廓和外耳道的濾波、共振等改變聲波頻譜特性作用可能不明顯。

Objective to test both normal adult fenrrets and mature ferretswhose pinna and concha had been removed bilaterally in infancy for their ability to localize sound relatively in the horizontal plane 目的研究正常雪貂和自幼切除耳廓和部分外耳道的雪貂對水平方向聲音的相對定位能力,研究耳廓外耳道對它的影響。

Nasal endoscopy allows demonstration of structures that are difficult to visualize . the region of the middle meatus is examined carefully , and presence of paradoxical curvature or concha bullosa is noted 鼻內窺鏡能顯示鼻腔內肉眼無法看到的結構,可以仔細的檢查中鼻道區域和顯示異常的彎曲和泡性鼻甲。

Result : there were statistical differences between the adult group and the pediatric group in ethmoid bulla hypertrophy and middle nasal concha etherealization 結果:篩泡肥大和中鼻甲氣化的出現率在成年組和未成年組差異有統計學意義。

Concha bullosa is the aberrant pneumatization of the middle turbinate . large concha bullosa may be obstructive and require resection 泡性鼻甲是中鼻甲內異常的氣腔,大的泡性鼻甲可以引起阻塞并需要手術切除。

Here , a large concha bullosa required resection and will serve as a graft . the ethmoid roof is exposed along its entire length 在這里我們切除了一個大的泡性鼻甲,并把它作為修補物。

Mastoid plombage and cavity of concha formation on the effect of radical mastoidectomy 耳甲腔成形及乳突腔充填術在乳突根治術中的應用價值

I loved how concha y toro dared to 6 ) mass market the cab / merlot combo 孔雀酒廠敢大量行銷卡本內和梅洛的混合酒,正合我意。

El santo nino de atocha is a good one . my aunt concha has seen him 利諾地阿圖卡是一個好圣徙我的坎柯嬸嬸見過他