
conch n.(pl. conchs , conches )1.【...


Now group company ' s three big pillar industry : the guarantee profession is grasping realization link bohai sea mayor the extended meeting 12th conference considers through the creation link bohai sea guarantee network bill , has interpolated the tianjin non - to be listed stock : ; the real estate industry is positively operating the tianjin conch shell bay center commerce business district development building items of basic construction , the construction surrounding seas union investment collection regimental head quarter headquarters building , the international commercial port building and the finance guarantee the building , is the collection first - class standard comprehensive commerce business center , the synthesis star class hotel , the office is a body multi - purpose , the high scale , the modernized large - scale commerce building , presently faces the domestic and foreign buying in partner , has set up the tianjin link bohai sea steel unit ' s production craft and the equipment design , the research and development work 現在集團公司的三大支柱產業:擔保行業正在抓緊落實環渤海市長聯席會第十二次會議審議通過的“組建環渤海地區擔保網絡”議案,以參入天津市非上市公司股權流通試點工作,進一步增資擴股;房地產業正在積極操作天津市響螺灣中心商務商業區開發樓宇建設項目,建設環海聯合投資集團總部大廈、國際商務港大廈和金融擔保大廈,是集一流水準的綜合商務商業中心、綜合星級酒店、寫字樓為一體的多功能、高檔次、現代化大型商務樓,現面向國內吸納合作伙伴;組建了天津環渤海鋼鐵工程技術開發有限公司,實施取向硅鋼機組的生產工藝及設備的設計、研發工作。

Renowned local storyteller finbar gittelman , clad in a pirate ' s costume , blew a honking tribute on a conch shell to commemorate lives lost during the season that produced a record 26 tropical storms , 13 of which strengthened into hurricanes 當地著名的說書人芬巴爾吉特爾曼身著海盜服裝,用螺號吹奏出沙啞而響亮的聲音以紀念那些在颶風季中失去生命的人們。

Staying in conch hotel , or watching moon , or listening sea of bamboo , or singing and dancing , or bathing hot spring … during return to nature , you can experiment more true essence of beauty 入住海螺,或觀明月探窗,或聞竹海迎風,或輕歌曼舞,或沐浴溫泉… … ,在回歸大自然中,你會感受到更多美的真諦。

Conch hotel is a luxurious three star hotel with travel , leisure , holiday , meeting and training employee in one , which is designed and constructed by chongqing railroad 海螺賓館是重慶鐵路供電段興建的集旅游、休閑、度假、會務、職工培訓為一體的三星級賓館。

Then bhisma , the valiant grandsire of the kuru dynasty roaring like a lion , blew his conch shell very loudly for increasing duryodhana ' s cheerfulness 然后彼斯瑪,庫茹王朝偉大英勇的祖父,響亮地吹起了他的螺號,就像獅子在怒吼,使杜堯哈那歡騰雀躍。

Thereafter conch shells , bugles , trumpets , kettledrums and cow horns suddenly were all simultaneously sounded and that combined sound became tumultuous 緊接著,所有的螺號,軍號,喇叭,銅鼓和牛角都突然同時響了起來,交織在一起,喧囂震天。

Jinshan hotel is situated under wansuo snows feet of a hill , is the conch ditch scenic area leaves the glacier recent hotel 坐落于萬所雪山腳下,是海螺溝景區離冰川最近的飯店。

The conch shell with right turning lines is blown to summon together lamas and announce a break during sutra recitation session 右旋法螺為聚集僧眾和誦經告一段落時的吹具。

Gold - plated clip earrings with rope chain and enamel element in conch shape , set with crystals in various colours 鍍金夾耳環用繩子鏈和釉質元素海螺形狀,集晶體不同顏色。

The latter is like a snail ' s conch , the expressive shell of the organism once dwelling within it 后者就像一個蝸牛殼,有機生物的富有表現力的殼,居所曾一度坐落在這里。

Gold - plated rope chain with enamel pendant in conch shape , set with crystals in various colours ; lobster clasp 鍍金繩鏈與搪瓷吊墜在海螺形狀,集晶體不同顏色;龍蝦扣。

The latter is like a snail ' s conch , the expressive shell of the organism once dwelling within it 后者就像是一只蝸牛的殼,一些曾住在里面的生物的很具其表現力的外殼。

Written in ink prepared with gold , silver , coral , iron , white conch shell and pearl dust 布達拉宮珍藏的用黃金、松耳石、白銀、珊瑚、鐵、紅銅、白螺和珍

The latter is like a snail ' s conch , the expressive shell of the organism once dwelling within it 后者就像是蝸牛的貝殼,那富有表現力的外殼曾有生命居住其中。

The latter is like a snail ' s conch , the expressive shell of the organism once dwelling within it 后者就像是一只蝸牛殼,曾經是有生命的住宅中具有表現力的殼。

The latter is like a snail ' s conch , the expressive shell of the organism once dwelling within it 后者就像一個蝸牛殼,有機體富有表現力的殼曾經居住在里面。

The latter is like a snail ' s conch , the expressive shell of the organism once dwelling within it 后者就象是蝸牛的殼,是對曾有生命居住過的富有表現力的殼。

The latter is like a snail ' s conch , the expressive shell of the organism once dwelling within it 后者像蝸牛的殼(這種有機生命曾經居住過的絢爛多姿的殼) 。

The latter is like a snail ' s conch , the expressive shell of the organism once dwelling within it 后者象是個蝸牛殼,曾棲息其中的生物體的富有表現力的殼。