
concessionaire n.受讓人;特許權獲得者 (= concessioner...


Concession contract is a legislative document , in which governments grant exclusive rights to concessionaire and control the operational activities of it . the success of infrastructure concession projects depends on the designing of concession contracts . therefore , the study of concession contracts is of great theoretical and practical significance 特許權合約是政府對特許權人授予特許權和規制其經營活動的法律文件,特許權項目能否成功取決于特許權合約的設計,對特許權合約的研究具有重要的理論和實踐意義。

Where there is a plan to operate the existing urban infrastructure by means of concessionary management stipulated in item ( 2 ) of article 3 of these measures , upon approval of the municipal people ' s government , the concession may be granted by direct commission and the competent industrial department of urban infrastructure shall conclude a concession contract with the concessionaire 現有城市基礎設施擬采取本辦法第三條第二項規定的特許經營方式運營的,經市人民政府批準,也可以采取直接委托的方式授予特許權,并由城市基礎設施行業主管部門與特許經營者簽訂特許協議。

The designing of concession contracts involves many complex legislative and economic issues , such as the financial situations of governments , optimization of resources , protection of consumers “ benefits , incentive firms to rational investment , improvement of production and operation efficiency of concessionaire , etc . with the rational return on investment as a kernel issue in the designing of concession contracts , the comprehensive economic parameters are integrated analyzed in this dissertation in order to realize the multiple targets of governments in concession projects 特許權合約設計需要考慮政府的財政能力、實現資源優化配置、保護消費者利益、激勵特許權人進行合理投資和提高生產經營效率,涉及許多復雜的經濟問題。在合約設計中,這些問題的分析需要圍繞投資者實現合理的投資回報來進行,對特許權合約的諸多經濟參數綜合分析,以實現政府在特許權項目中的多重目標。

Under the condition of asymmetric distribution of npv probability , the probability of npv less than 0 can more accurately describe the risk of investment retun then the probability of npv less than 0 that concessionaire may accepted determines the condition satisfied by the economic parameters of concession contracts . with the premises of expected objective value of each parameter fixed by the designers of concession contracts and the weighted value of this parameter , an optimal objectiv 特許權人可以接受的npv小于零的概率決定了特許權合約經濟參數需要滿足的條件,在特許權合約設計者可以對每個參數確定一個初始的期望目標值和該參數的權重條件下,本文通過構造一個優化目標函數,解決了合約經濟參數的優化選擇問題。

In a public service announcement to be aired in theaters nationwide , a wide range of industry workers from costume makers to concessionaires argue that the increasingly popular practice of swapping movies over the internet endangers a business employing tens of thousands . air , to broadcast on television or radio 在一份將在全國的影院播放的公眾服務聲明中,從服裝生產商到電影經營特許權獲得者的范圍廣泛的從業者聲稱,在互聯網上日益增多的交換電影資料的行為正在威脅為數萬人提供就業的電影產業。

Article 18 within the concession period , the relevant administrative departments shall have the power to inspect , evaluate and audit the concessionary projects , and correct the concessionaires ' acts in violation of the provisions of laws , regulations or rules as well as the concession contracts and give punishments according to law till call back the concession according to law 第十八條特許期限內,有關行政主管部門有權對特許項目進行檢查、評估、審計,對特許經營者違反法律、法規、規章規定和特許協議約定的行為應當予以糾正并依法處罰,直至依法收回特許權。

Article 1 these measures are formulated to push the market progress of the urban infrastructure construction and operation in this municipality , expand the financing channel , accelerate the construction of urban infrastructure , provide public products and services of high quality and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of investors , concessionaires and consumers 第一條為了推進本市城市基礎設施建設運營市場化進程,擴大融資渠道,加快城市基礎設施建設,提供優質的公共產品和服務,維護投資者、特許經營者和消費者的合法權益,制定本辦法。

In a public service announcement to be aired in theaters nationwide , a wide range of industry workers from costume makers to concessionaires argue that the increasingly popular practice of swapping movies over the internet endangers a business employing tens of thousands 在一份將在全國的影院播放的公眾服務聲明中,從服裝生產商到電影經營特許權獲得者的范圍廣泛的從業者聲稱,在互聯網上日益增多的交換電影資料的行為正在威脅為數萬人提供就業的電影產業。

A concession contract can be regarded as a payoff contract under the framework of principal - agent theory . it needs to meet the participation constraint and incentive compatibility constraint of concessionaire . the payoff designing can be analyzed by the backward - induction method 特許權合約可以看作一個委托代理框架下的報酬合約,需要滿足特許權人的參與約束和激勵相容約束條件,報酬設計可以使用逆序遞推的方法分析。

A complete after - sale services system will provide more suitable services to concessionaires by professional and managerial training of its staff 完善的售后服務體系,注重管理及專業知識培訓提高銷售人員素質,為加盟商提供貼身的服務。

Article 12 the concessionaire shall be determined by means of bid invitation and bidding 第十二條特許經營者應當通過招標投標的方式確定。

Bmw concessionaires macau limited 寶馬汽車澳門有限公司

To free latin america from the snares of foreign concessionaires and bankers, he proposed a farsighted plan . 為使拉丁美洲不致陷入外國特許權所有人和銀行家的圈套,他提出了一個先見之明的計劃。

The stenographer may be either a hotel employee or an employee of a concessionaire . 速記員可能是旅館的職工,也可能是某一受讓人的雇員。

Sometimes the nightclub is rented out to a concessionaire . 夜總會有時租給館外的受讓人。