
concession n.1.讓步;遷就;讓與。2.(政府的)核準,許可,特許...


Such pressure is squeezing concessions from the church 這些壓力在擠壓教會的特權。

Recovering duty concessions for ultra - low sulphur diesels 追回超低硫柴油的稅務寬免

To reach agreement , both side must make concession 為達成協議,兩方都必須做讓步。

This concession will cost about 5 billion in lost revenue 寬減總金額約五十億元。

Offer of concessions to elderly by utility companies 公用事業公司向長者提供的優惠

Study on hydropower development concession operation 關于水電開發特許權經營的探討

Land premium concession granted to tvb limited 給予電視廣播有限公司的地價優惠

Revised duty - free concessions effective from april 1 新煙酒免稅額四月一日生效

No further concession can be made in any respect 在各方面都沒有再讓步的余地了。

These concessions could unbar the way to peace 這些讓步可打通抵達和平的道路。

This oil concession should be wrapped up by thursday 這個石油項目會在周四結束

Music stages in the parks of shanghai foreign concessions 上海租界公園的音樂臺

Extending the duty concession for ultra low sulphur diesel 延長超低硫柴油稅優惠

Concession and the real estate of shanghai in modern times 租界與近代上海房地產

Extending duty concession for ultra low sulphur diesel 延續超低硫柴油的稅務優惠

Montcalm felt that his influence over the warlike tribes he had gathered was to be maintained by concession rather than by power . 蒙卡姆心里明白,要想在他招來的這些好戰的部落中維持自己的權勢,就得多作讓步而少加壓力。

When the operators granted a 10 percent wage increase and made other concessions in october 1900, mitchell gladly called off the strike . 當1900年10月資方答應提高工資百分之十和作出其它讓步時,米切爾欣然取消罷工。

He was wary of gifts that might make it look as if someone were getting a concession or special treatment from the government . 他對禮物是有警惕性的,唯恐叫人看起來似乎顯得有人從政府那里得到了好處或特殊的待遇。

Her only concession to what might have been considered normal behaviour for a young woman, was a concern for the way she looked . 她比較注重自己的儀表,這是她同一般年輕姑娘具有的唯一共同點。