
concert n.1.音樂會,演奏會,合奏(曲);【音樂】協奏曲。2....

concert grand

Her eyes could not reach him; and the concert being just opening, she must consent for a time to be happy in an humbler way . 她的目光見不到他,音樂會剛好開始,她暫時只得將就著開開心。

Among the budding baton-wielders preparing for the next concert but one were found mr. whitelaw and mr. prior . 在準備參加下一屆競選的初露頭角的人物中,就有懷特洛先生和普賴爾先生。

The concerts were more enjoyable without all the horrid modern dissonance which nobody really understood . 音樂會里已經沒有那些叫人頭痛誰都聽不懂的現代派不諧和音,所以更好聽了。

Trade can be restricted multilaterally by governments and companies from different countries acting in concert . 貿易可以通過各個國家的政府和公司采取一致行動多方面地加以限制。

The first objective to come under the concerted attack of the social justice forces was to old problem of child labor . 社會正義力量協同斗爭的第一個目標,是童工這個老問題。

She seemed still to be trying to decide whether to have a concert career against her papa's whishes . 她仿佛到現在還在躊躇,是否應該違逆她爸爸的意旨,去過音樂生涯。

Many problems in environmental engineering have required the concerted efforts of scientists and engineers . 不少環境工程問題的解決都需要科學家和工程師們共同努力。

Two greyhounds, in running down the same hare, have sometimes the appearance of acting in some sort of concert . 兩只獵犬同逐一兔,有時也象是一種協同動作。

She seemed still to be trying to decide whether a concert career against her papa's wishes . 她仿佛到現在還在躊躇,是否應該拂逆她爸爸的意旨,去過音樂生涯。

As if this had been a concerted signal, the back door was struck rudely . 仿佛是在按照一個事先約定好的信號行事,后門頓時被不客氣地捶了起來。

The audience behaved indecorously as if the concert were an informal dress rehearsal . 這些觀眾舉止隨便,仿佛這場音樂會是一場非正式的彩排。

Once there was a puny little concert violinist named rudolf, who lived in sweden . 從前在瑞典,有一身材瘦弱矮小的小提琴手,名叫魯道夫。

That rich lady is a friend of the arts; she provides money for concerts in the town . 那位富婆是藝術的支持者,她出錢在鎮上舉辦音樂會。

Nor would we undertake an obligation to concert us-soviet actions toward third countries . 我們也不承擔協調美蘇針對第三國行動的義務。

Here he would give violin concerts and earn money to buy food and clothes . 他在這些地方舉行小提琴演奏會,以賺取購買衣食所需的金錢。

We welcome arrival of russian military mission in order to concert future plans . 我們歡迎俄國軍事代表團前來,以便協商未來的計劃。

Tickets to musical events, such as concerts and opera, are also in great demand . 音樂會和歌劇等音樂節目的入場券,也很搶手。

Some people were lingering round the hall long after the concert had ended . 音樂會結束后很長時間,有些人還在大廳里盤旋。

However, she said nothing and waited to see how the concert would end . 然而她沒作聲,只等著瞧音樂會如何收場。