
concernment n.1.關系;參與;重要。2.懸念,掛念。3.關系事項,...


But when to their feminine rage the indignation of the people is added , when the ignorant and the poor are aroused , when the unintelligent brute force that lies at the bottom of society is made to growl and mow , it needs the habit of magnanimity and religion to treat it godlike as a trifle of no concernment 但是,若引起他們那女性特有的憤怒,其憤慨便有所升級;倘若無知和貧窮的人們被唆使,倘若處于社會底層的非理性的野蠻力量被慫勇狂吼發難,那就需要養成寬宏大量和宗教的習慣,像神一樣把它當作無關緊要的瑣事。

The thesis consists of six parts : the preface proposes the research object and the matter of concernment . chapter one introduces lao tzu , his book and its essence . chapter two defines the connotation of tao 通過對“道法自然”的解讀來理解其“無為”而“無不為”的治國思想,以期能在當前更多地理解把握《老子》 。

It is worth enjoying such a variety show of classical music and play with human concernment and modern spirit 如此富于人文關懷與現代精神之古樂、劇綜合節目,值得一賞。

Quality is the company s first and foremost concernment 本公司視質量為企業生命。