
concern vt.1.關系到;影響,涉及(某人的)利害。2.〔用被動...


His professions of concern did not seem sincere . 他所表示的關心看來并非出自內心。

I admit this may be true but i am not concerned . 我承認此事即使屬實,我也不在乎。

As far as i am concerned you can do what you like . 對我個人來說,你怎么做都可以。

The second belief concerns the democratic process . 第二個信念關系到民主程序問題。

This is concerned with dispersions . 這與分散體系有關。

The answer is, i don't concern myself with that . 我的回答是,我根本就不考慮它。

The president looked very concerned . 總統的神色很不安。

We will take up the matter with the party concerned . 我們將和有關方面磋商此事。

Please go back , there is nothing of your concern now . 請回去吧,沒有你的事了。

I'm concerning on the fleet . 我現在把思想集中在海軍上。

Our concern and theirs substantially overlap . 我們的利害關系和他們的大致相合。

We are vitally concerned to win public support . 我們對贏得公眾的支持極為關注。

Our fifth concern is with modulation noise . 我們要討論的第五個問題是調制噪聲。

I am much concerned to hear that ... 我聽見…后十分著急。

I am concerned to tell you of it . 我打算把那件事告訴你。

His falling health concerns me . 他的健康欠佳,使我擔心。

Her fright and concern sunk her down in a deep swoon . 恐懼和擔心使她昏厥在地。

She is only concerned about her child . 她心里只惦著孩子。

One belief concerns environment . 一個信念關系到環境問題。