
conceptualize vt.使形成概念,使產生想法;使概念化。n.-zatio...


Beijing bodo jaguar agency co . , ltd . is a professional trademark agency approved by china government . in the 21st century , ” information creates the new age , and intellectual property builds a country ” . the company is situated on the edge of this large stream . we are dedicated to conceptualize and implement the idea of “ brand first ” and provide comprehensive , precise and special technical and legal support to all enterprises 北京博導聚佳知識產權代理有限公司是經國家核準設立的專業商標代理機構,在二十一世紀“信息創新時代,知識產權立國”的大潮流中勇擔重任,致力于對“品牌先行”觀念的倡導和實施,在知識產權領域為企業提供全方位、精確、獨到的技術和法律支持。

Conceptualizing the city norm as the starting point , the author pays much attention to the significance , essence and the reasons of norm . furthermore , the theoretical basis and institutional architecture for the norm of cities by governments , firms and citizens are presented , which provides a new weapon and theoretical basis for the city management by governments in the new era 本文以城市規范的界定為起點,重點研究城市規范的含義、本質及其緣由,并進而探討城市政府行為規范、城市企業行為規范、城市市民行為規范的理論依據與制度設計,從而為新時期的城市政府管理提供新的理論依據和武器。

Also discussed is how the two frames are related to each other , what are the limitations of these frames as they are currently conceptualized and assessed in capturing both similarities and differences in psychological functioning between americans and asians , and future directions for refinement of these frame as well as for theoretical and methodological advances in cultural research 同時進一步分析了已有跨文化研究中關于這兩個文化框架在解釋美國人和亞洲人心理活動之異同時,有效性與實用性正反兩方面的證據,指出了已有研究中存在的不足,并探討了文化心理學研究在沿用這兩個文化框架時可能做的理論與方法上的改進。

Bodo jaguar agency co . , ltd . is a professional trademark agency approved by china government . in the 21st century , ” information creates the new age , and intellectual property builds a country ” . the company is situated on the edge of this large stream . we are dedicated to conceptualize and implement the idea of “ brand first ” and provide comprehensive , precise and special technical and legal support to all enterprises 博導聚佳商標代理有限公司是經國家核準設立的專業商標代理機構,在二十一世紀“信息創新時代,知識產權立國”的大潮流中勇擔重任,致力于對“品牌先行”觀念的倡導和實施,在知識產權領域為企業提供全方位、精確、獨到的技術和法律支持。

Agent technology and application is a research hotspot in computer science , which represents a new technology . it can be used to conceptualize , analyze , characterize and develop complex and large - scale systems , especially distributed systems . so , it embodies a new paradigm of software development Agent技術和應用是目前計算機科學領域的研究熱點之一,它代表了一種新的技術,可用于概念化、分析、描述和實現復雜、龐大的系統,尤其是分布式系統,因而體現了一種新的軟件開發模式。

( 5 ) this research was chosen to explore the increase in understanding that results from conceptualizing human responses to aggressive events as a combined function of causal attribution . this essay is a discussion of these concepts individually and a description of how features of each combine to explain perception of responsibility , affective response , and reactive strategy regarding aggressive behavior ( 5 )驗證性因素分析結果表明,原因知覺、情感反應、責任判斷以及期望水平是行為應對策略的重要預測源,責任判斷受到情感反應的直接影響,希望水平不僅受制于穩定性的歸因,而且同時還受到生氣和責任判斷的影響,行為應對策略的選擇決定于生氣的情感反應、責任判斷以及期望水平的大小。

The author conceptualized and measured the following variables : time perspective ; the coping style ; reduced harm internet use self - efficacy ; positive peer involvement ; moderate parents involvement ; the totality of internet use and the score of functions . after the research used the structure equation model ( sem ) to fit the collected data , the following pathways were demonstrated at the significant level : 1 , the time perspective present ( tpp ) piu . 2 , tpp abreaction piu 通過時間透視、應對策略、減少傷害性的互聯網效能感、積極同伴卷入、適度父母卷入、網絡(使用)總量、功能分數的界定與測量,該研究使用結構方程模型擬和數據后發現下列路徑對piu具有明顯的預測作用:現在定向piu ;現在定向發泄piu ;現在定向問題解決piu ;現在定向同伴卷入piu ;現在定向同伴卷入功能分數piu ;未來定向問題解決piu ;未來定向父母卷入piu ;未來定向發泄piu 。

Through the summarization and analysis of the knowledge on mechanized conversation tillage , this paper conceptualize and theorize the processes of corn and wheat tillage . a expert system of mechanized conversation tillage , which is applied in the region with a crop one year , is firstly developed in domestic 本課題在總結和分析機械化保護性耕作知識的基礎上,將保護性耕作工藝概念化、理論化,在國內首次開發了適用于一年一熟地區全程機械化保護性耕作的網絡化的專家系統。

Starting with the connotation of enterprise consolidation in the sense of anti - monopoly law , the paper evaluates and analyzes various principles on which foreign countries firmly believe that enterprise combination leads to monopoly . and based on the analysis of the rule on such a recognition , the paper conceptualizes the theoretical frame of how to affirm monopoly is made up of enterprise combination in china ' s present economic background 本文以探析企業合并在反壟斷法上的涵義為切入點,通過對國外認定企業合并構成壟斷的諸原則進行評析,再在研析其有關認定標準的基礎上,構思出在我國現有的經濟背景下,如何認定企業合并構成壟斷的理論構架。

Shanghai bodo jaguar agency co . , ltd . is a professional trademark agency approved by china government . in the 21st century , ” information creates the new age , and intellectual property builds a country ” . the company is situated on the edge of this large stream . we are dedicated to conceptualize and implement the idea of “ brand first ” and provide comprehensive , precise and special technical and legal support to all enterprises 上海博導聚佳知識產權有限公司是經國家核準設立的專業商標代理機構,在二十一世紀“信息創新時代,知識產權立國”的大潮流中勇擔重任,致力于對“品牌先行”觀念的倡導和實施,在知識產權領域為企業提供全方位、精確、獨到的技術和法律支持。

According with the development of times , political class can materially guarant the successful progress of moral education , and its development and change will directly affect moral education , the smooth growth of students , and the quality of the future qualified personnel . beginning with the study of how to overcome the limitations of traditional political class , namely sealness , unidirection , passiveness , this paper strives to analyze , explore and conceptualize the new realm of political class 本文從克服傳統《思想政治》課堂的弊端即“封閉性” 、 “單向性” 、 “被動性”出發,有針對性地分析、探索、構想《思想政治》課堂的新境界,并抽象概括出新境界的基本特征:開放、互動、自主。

Structural realism has given some broad predictions state behavior ; theories of hegemonic stability and hegemonic maintenance set up the linkages between institution - all / power position and the national interests of hegemonic states ; offensive realism conceptualizes the relationship of power position and national interests of great powers ; and both defensive realism and neoclassical realism try to enhance the explanatory power of realism which focusing on different aspects 結構現實主義提出了一系列非常寬泛的預測;霸權穩定理論、霸權護持理論闡述了制度地位、實力地位與霸權國國家利益的關系;進攻性現實主義則概念化了實力地位和大國國家利益的關系;雖然關注的重點所有不同,防御性現實主義和新古典現實主義都試圖結合國內因素以增強現實主義的解釋力。

In this paper , a context isconsidered as some structure in the real world . a sentence fromsome logical language is conceptualized as a concept , whose intentis a set of sentences implied semantically by the sentence , and whoseextent is a set of contexts in which the sentence describes a part of the contexts . in terms of tools and theories of concepts , astrictly defined theory is given to study the pragmatics ofsentences in contexts in information systems , which cannot bederived from the sentences by using logical reasoning methods 句子j的邏輯蘊涵li j是在使得j成立的所有的信息系統的所有上下文中都成立的句子的集合;給定信息系統k和句子j , j的語義蘊涵si j是在使得j成立的k中所有上下文中都成立的句子的集合j的語用蘊涵pi j是在使得j g成立的k中所有上下文中都成立的句子的集合,其中g是l中的句子的集合,這些句子動態地參與了從j推出其語用蘊涵的過程。

Just as a business firm need not be completely vertically integrated to achieve some of the benefits of the strategy , a researcher can achieve positive gains by approaching and conceptualizing agricultural problems in a relational , systemic , process - oriented way 正如一個商業公司在實現其利潤戰略時無須將整個公司從上到下地完全整合一遍,一個研究者可以通過關聯性、系統性和過程觀點來對一部分農業問題進行研究,將這些問題理論化,并取得成果。

The article adopts the method of literature review and historical study , in term of the dimension of grassroots organization building , first conceptualizing urban community work model as the social network control , thus filling the gap in the urban community work research in china 本文采取文獻回顧與歷史研究方法,從基層組織體系建構等層面,首次將50年代城市社區工作模式概括為網路控制,填補中國城市社區工作研究的空白點。

The capabilities development of the firm in alliances can be regarded as an inter - organizational learning process , and can be conceptualized into two stages : knowledge transfer in alliances and capabilities building or enhancement of the firm 廠商能力的發展可視為組織學習的過程,而廠商在聯盟中的學習過程,可以概念化為從聯盟活動獲得知識移轉及廠商能力的建立或強化兩個階段。

Accordingly , the public health education at community university is conceptualized as a cognitive praxis for creating new public health knowledge and as a movement for health reform , on the one hand ; and its constitutive phases are viewed as settings for transforming learning 換句話說,基層公務員和健康專業人員基本上具備著社會控制的代理人與社會轉化的施為者這兩種矛盾的可能性。

In this second half of his two - part article on combining metadata and aop , author and aop practitioner ramnivas laddad suggests a novel way to conceptualize metadata as a signature in a multidimensional concern space 在這篇由兩部分組成的關于組合使用元數據和aop的系列文章的第二部分中,作者及aop實踐者ramnivas laddad將推薦一種把元數據視為多維關注點空間中的簽名的全新方法。

I ve also shown you a novel way to conceptualize metadata as a signature in a multidimensional concern space , a usage that has as much relevance for developers creating metadata types outside the aop paradigm as those working in it 我還展示了將元數據視為多維關注點空間的簽名的一種全新思路,這是一種與使用aop范式和不使用該規范的開發人員都非常有關的創建元數據類型的用法。