
conceptive adj.1.概念(上)的;設想上的。2.〔罕用語〕會受孕...


Their interest in emotional learnings are at latent stage ; 2 ) while teachers emphasize more conditional knowledge learning than noumenal knowledge learning at conceptive level , in reality they focus on acquiring practical knowledge ; 3 ) while teachers are eager to acquire the latest knowledge and theories at conceptive level , in actual training process they emphasize the effectiveness of training , their perceived learnings and teaching skill improvement 就具體的學習內容而言,觀念上教師們最想學的是教育教學理論知識和學科前沿知識,但是在具體的培訓中,他們又很強調培訓的實效性,非常注重自己的實際感受,強調學科教學技能學習的重要性,教育科研能力則被認為是自己最缺乏又最需要學習的內容,思想觀念的更新并不像人們想象的那樣被重視。

Especially consider the comprehensive effects of carrying this plan , try to bring the best results to every aspects which this scheme involved at last , to made a appraisal on this stimulate - control scheme . this stock company asked a professional consulting firm to design a questionnaire , then made a large scale survey in the employees of this company , the questions in this questionnaire are the conceptive questions that attitude and realize concerning to the scheme 論文研究成果主要是應用于公司的具體操作實踐,具有現實指導意義。討論了上市公司推行股權激勵計劃的可能性和必要性,分析了推行計劃時公司應該考慮的內外部經濟、社會等環境因素,尤其需要考慮方案實施的綜合效益,兼顧公司上下各個層面的利益,在方案的設計上力求達到多贏的效果。

They should also help national insurance industry build the most preliminary , and probably the most effective financial risk forewarning system , by dynamically scrutinizing assets and liabilities conditions changes of insurance company . the main framework of this dissertation is as the following : the first chapter is introduction , which sets forth the conceptive construction of my dissertation , the main contents of my research , and its meaning 這種監管模式基本上采取的是現場監管體系,以靜態監管為主,大多采取抽查或到公司實地考察的方式,缺乏動態監管指標,因而無法及時根據保險公司現有的財務報告,來分析其未來業務的風險因素對償付能力的影響。

Software capability maturity model ( cmm ) and capability maturity model integration ( cmmi ) developed by sei provide a conceptive framework for improving the management and development of software product congruously and effectively . implementing process control base on this framework gives a successful base for continuous process improvement Sei開發的軟件能力成熟度模型swcmm和能力成熟度模型集成cmmi ,為能一致地、有效地改進軟件產品的管理和開發提供了一個概念性框架,基于這個框架實施組織過程控制,使持續過程改進有了成功的基礎。

Based on detailed analyze on turbine engine and ramjet , a new conceptive internal - rotor burnt rotating ramjet ( irbrr ) with an rotating cylinder in the center of rotor in which the revolved stream can be ram - compressed and burnt has been proposed and some primary research have been done as below : the scheme of structure , principles , thermodynamic cycle and performances of the new conceptive engine has been studied in the paper 本文通過對燃氣渦輪發動機和航空沖壓發動機的原理結構進行詳細分析并進行融合創新,提出了一種利用內置旋轉汽缸進行旋轉氣流沖壓壓縮和旋流燃燒的新概念內置燃燒室旋轉沖壓發動機,并進行了一些前期的基礎性探索研究,具體研究內容有:對旋轉沖壓發動機進行了總體方案設計、工作原理分析、氣動熱力循環和性能分析等概念性研究。

The conclusions of this study are as follows : 1 ) primary school teachers put emphasis on conceptive learning in terms of their attitude towards continuous education , but in practice , they put emphasis on their own perceived learnings and operational skills 本研究的基本結論是: 1小學教師對繼續學習在觀念上重視認知領域的學習,在具體的學習過程中強調自己的學習感受,重視操作性技能的獲得,情感領域的內容則處于潛在的狀態。

Thirdly , train ability of individualized writing , including training the cognitive individual character of writing , training conceptive ability , bringing up individual ideation , fostering the ability of selecting suitable materials and individualized language 三、培養寫作個性的能力點,包括:培養寫作認知個性、培養個性化構思能力、培養個性化選材能力和培養個性化語言能力。

Instead , it reflects the various conceptions and conceptive structures that are constructed in the brain when humans are trying to interpret the outside world 人類認知積極參與人認識客觀世界的過程,所以語言不是直接反映客觀世界,而是反映人的頭腦在認識客觀世界的過程中形成的各種概念或概念結構。

According to the discussion above , it is necessary to apply new idea and theory to explore the possibilities of design a simple , small and efficient new conceptive engine 因此我們有必要積極開拓新思路,應用新原理、新結構,去探索研究一種體積重量小、結構簡單、效率高的新概念發動機。

The paper puts forward a question that is remarkably worthy of our consideration : how to achieve peace . meticulous conceptive and denouncement after praise renders the emphasized topic 小評:提出了一個非常值得我們考慮的問題:怎么才能實現和平。構思縝密,先揚后抑,突出主題。

Based upon the investigation of the present curriculum setup , this paper points out the conceptive course setup and strategy of enforcement for educational course in chemistry major 摘要在調查研究現有課程設置的基礎上,提出了化學專業教育類課程的設置構想和實施策略。

The first part is mainly devoted to theoretical and conceptive introduction to international shipping practices , which includes the first three chapters 第一部分主要是從理論上來對國際航運慣例進行概念性的介紹,這一部分主要包括第一章、第二章以及第三章。

Now , too many of the studies on no focused on the quality study with conceptive , desciptive or framework result , and seldom on the quantity study 目前,有關網絡組織的研究,相當多的還是以概念性、描述性、框架性的定性研究為主,運用定量方法的研究不多。

The first chapter is introduction , which sets forth the conceptive construction of my dissertation , the main contents of my research , and its study meaning 該部分闡述論文構思的建立,研究工作的主要內容,以及研究的意義。第二章是論文的創作背景介紹。

Study on the conceptive fashion and the origin of the poems that li yu and li qing - zhao invented in their late stage 李煜及李清照后期詞的構思方式及其創作淵源

The combination of creative landscape planning and eco - tour - conceptive planning of zhuanshanhu reservoir scenic area 轉山湖水庫風景區概念性規劃簡介

Conceptive evolvement and orientation of chinese arbitrary administrative execution 概念的演變及定位

This plan is very imaginative in conceptive 這個計劃在構思上很有想象力。

The conceptive error of insurance salesmen 保險推銷人員的觀念誤區及調整對策